Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    yay, I have a SINGLE healthy looking bunch of cells in my uterus. Only 6weeks and 5 days, which means he/she is only a month along. I have to go back in an hour to do more paperwork and blood tests, but I sent the ultrasound pic to my best friend and aunts by the way of introduction.

    my aunt told me not to get really fat like my mom did when she was pregnant (by the way she gained 60lbs but she lost it all!) :angry:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    My morning sickness passed at about 8 weeks, it was horrible though.....So I'm so glad it's gone! Still tired all the time though. That's funny, I usually hate chocolate and lately when I see something chocolate I really want it. Luckily I don't eat it becasue it gives me migraines, but if it didn't I think I might be in trouble. It looks so good!!!!

    I'm totally opposite on the chocolates. Used to love it and can eat a handful everyday. But not lately. Yesterday I tried to drink hot chocolate (my favorite brand), but end up dump 80% down the drain.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Congrats cutmd!!!! Hope it all goes well for you!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Some great goals for the week! My goal is to get my 10 miles in and to try and eat all my calories. This bambino is really filling up my space now and I have a really hard time eating in any quantity. It's a struggle to even get my maintenance calories in let alone the extra 300. Probably why I can't seem to gain at this point.

    Had the nicest thing happen on my run today. This woman pulled her car over and had her window down and she said to me, "I just had to stop and tell you how awesome you are! How far along are you? You look amazing! Keep up the fantastic work" Was just the pick up I needed after a rough Monday at work.

    Okay, I've not brought this up before, but two posts today.......ladies, please, please make sure you are taking care of your teeth and gums. Our mouths can react pretty strongly and negatively to the pregnancy hormones, basically the hormones change how our body reacts to plaque. There has been tons of research over the last several years linking poor oral health to low birth weight babies and preterm labor. I know we are tired, but this is a time to be absolutely fastidious with making sure you are brushing for a minimum of two minutes each twice and day and once a day flossing. If your gums are bleeding, don't stay away from them, extra care for a few days should clear it up. (this is what we call pregnancy gingivitis) It can make a big difference in the health of your little one! Sorry, I don't want to sound like I am preaching, but it is what I do for a living!

    Happy to see so many new faces :-)
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    I am so happy to find this thread!! My husband and I want to start a family soon but I just started getting back in shape so I was thinking of waiting a few months. It makes me feel good that you can still work out and be pregnant! Thanks for all the great info ladies!! :smile:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    cdevine you should go to our sister group Fit for Future Families! They are all in the same boat as you and are super supportive!

    Holly you aren't preaching...that is a VERY important thing and I totally agree! Our oral care is just as important as anything else during pregnancy. I don't think it is ever brought up by most doctors...but bleeding gums is never a good thing and the ladies that are having problems should go to the dentist! I was told the analogy of if every time we washed our hands they bled we would run straight to the doctor, but for some reason people find it okay when their gums are inflamed and bleeding?! And DUH! You are awesome...that is why that lady had to pull over and tell you! :) And I love your goals for the week!

    cutmd congrats! And like I said before, unless you let yourself go completely (stop working out and being active and sitting around eating unhealthy food all the time) you have NOTHING to worry about. Your body is going to do what its going to do...just continue to be the healthy YOU that you are! That's what you should have told your aunt! lol! "I'm just gonna continue to be the healthy me that I am!" Did they happen to see a heartbeat at the u/s or was it still a little early? Oh and if nobody has informed you yet...that is just the beginning of the wild, vivid dreams you will get during pregnancy! I've had some amazingly CRAZY dreams. They are the worst in the first trimester and the third trimester I hear.

    Kristy the chowder sounds awesome! Glad you had a great weekend. Hope everything goes well with your Doc appt on Friday...let us know!

    rachel hope your appt went well!

    SLD just take it one day at a time. Some days are better than others and some decisions made in the day are better than others. Just continue to eat healthy, nutritious food and be as active as you had been before pregnancy! Walk, bike ride, go swimming, take a yoga will make you feel better than sitting around not working out I promise!

    Kalee welcome to the group! What about getting some workout dvd's to do in your home? There are some pretty awesome ones. And you can slow down your weight gain by eating healthy and working out but most docs are going to advise against stopping your weight gain at this point in your pregnancy. Your baby still has a few pounds to gain itself so essentially if you don't gain anymore weight at all, you are losing weight cause your baby is still gaining. Just hope you do it in a healthy manner. Trust me....I wish that at 27 wks I am not 22lbs heavier...but there is nothing I can do about it except to continue to workout and eat healthy, for you and your baby!

    Ashley great goals! And glad you had a great weekend as well! Sounds fun!

    Well I've found that waking up earlier is working much better for me than sleeping in. Maybe I was getting too much sleep cause I've been getting up at 630am the past week and I feel like I have so much more energy...go figure. Baby keeps waking me up with her kicks and jabs several times a night now. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper, so for her to wake me up, you know she is practicing her kickboxing moves or throwing a wild party in there! lol! I'm starting to watch the clock as to when I feel her and it has been consistent at midnight, 3am, and 6am...because evidently this will be her wake/sleep pattern when she is born. Her nursery is all painted and now I just need to get her furniture delivered and do all the accessorizing. I'm addicted to etsy lately. They have everything from cute mobiles to wall decor as well as cute little props for her first baby pics when she is born. Well I'm off to eat some breakfast then to workout.

    Hope you ladies have a fabulous day!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    My sister ended up having to have a root canal after her last pregnancy. Oral health important indeed. I need to do better with the flossing. I usually only get it on the weekends...... :embarassed:

    Day 1 of goals check! I got a great workout in. Lower body and elliptical which I hadn't been on in forever. My legs were literally jello walking down the steps after my workout. And I was asleep by 10. Working out definitely affects me differently now. And it helps me sleep great! I didn't even wake up when my husband came to bed.

    Holly that's awesome. Don't you love compliments? Good for you for being so motivated.

    It's a nice cool (relatively) day here in KY and I would much rather not be at work today. Oh well..... Have a great day all!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Hey guys, Sorry I've been MIA, I've been away all weekend visiting my parents (and eating like everything in sight!).

    After this weekend I realized I have to be super careful because its so easy to let yourself go by saying to yourself, "well, I am pregnant!", but that thinking is my downfall and leads to really unhealthy eating as well as feeling sick. I've noticed that when I'm full, i start getting bad reflux.

    By the way, are you guys eating skinny cow or weight watchers ice cream at all? I noticed maltodextrin to be an ingredient, and was wondering if it was safe? What is maltodextrin? is it artificial sweetener?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Hope everyone is doing well. Had to go back and read a lot of post! You guys have been busy & definitely doing well on personal goals!!

    I'm officially 9 weeks and things are starting to get in gear and some days I seem to handle it a little bettter than others :ohwell:

    I'm glad to see you guys mentioned materinity clothes!! I had a moment in the middle of Burlington Coat Factory in the maternity section and my poor hubby didn't know what to do or say to console me. Nothing fit (needless to say they had a very small selection) so I have been wondering were else to shop. My SIL mentioned Pea in a Pod/Motherhood but I don't have that kind of cash to spend on outfits. Going to try Gap Maternity and go from there.

    Can you girls recommend any staples? Someone had mentioned leggings/long shirts?? What are these body shirts that I read about??

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hello all!

    Welcome to all the new mamas to be! This forum is really rocking now.

    dmcohee: I love your story about trying to be sexy. It is hard to feel sexy with this Buddha belly, haha. It is definitely hilarious. I too cannot wait for the return of kinky date nights.

    911Girl: I’m sure whatever decision you make will work out. It’s really hard making decisions that affect another life but I guess we better get used to it. Try not to stress yourself out too much. I love your profile pic, so cute!

    Lexi: That’s awesome about your photo shoot. I can’t wait to see your pics. You only have about 5 weeks left to go so the stretch marks should not be too bad and I’m sure they will go away since the baby won’t be taking up all that room soon.

    smilegirl: 27 lbs at 36 weeks is great. You will have no problem getting that off. Most of it is probably baby related. Good luck on your group b strep culture results… I agree on having good oral hygiene. I just had my 6 month cleaning and the dentist said I had really healthy gums for a pregnant lady. So that made me happy.

    Heather: My friend is throwing me a baby shower. She is keeping all the details from me. I have no idea when it is or where it will be. I’m guessing it will be somewhere in PA, MA or NY since I am the only one in NC. I can’t wait to see everyone. I kinda wish I could help plan as I love to throw parties. I love your ideas. You will definitely have to take pictures.

    cutmd: I agree that empire waist dresses are the cutest on pregnant women. I had to buy a cute dress yesterday at Macy’s. I have 2 weddings to go to this month so I will just rock the same dress. I made the mistake of thinking some of my dresses would still fit. My boobs were probably the worst fit, although my husband didn’t think so, haha.

    kristy_estes21: I hope your doc is able to find out what is causing your high blood pressure. High blood pressure also runs in my family. Mine always seems to run a little above normal even with eating healthy and working out. Although since being pregnant it has been perfect. Not sure what the deal is but I will take it.

    Better_Balance_20: Love your cheesy dry erase board fruit drawings. My husband loves to guess the fruit every week. Last week it was a cantaloupe and my husband was like wow she’s getting big, haha. As if he could not tell by looking at my growing bump.

    sabrinafaith: I have eaten some Skinny Cow and Weight Watchers but try to limit it. They do have fake sugar and other fake crap.

    babeed854: Old Navy has some cute cloths and right now they are discounting their summer stuff. I got cute capris that roll down to pants so they are perfect for the rest of my pregnancy. Plus I like to layer in the winter so I wear tanks all year round. Just make sure to call the Old Navy’s by you to make sure they carry maternity cloths. Not all of them do.

    Sorry if I missed anyone, just trying to catch up with this book of a post.

    AFM: I had a nice birthday on Sunday with the hubby. He bought me a treadmill which should be delivered next week. I asked him for it. I’m going to move all my guilty pleasure TV to the DVR in our room. That way if I want to watch it I have to do it on the treadmill. I think it will be a great motivator and I can’t wait for it to arrive.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi everyone! Glad to hear everyone is doing so well! So many exciting new developments and I love all the posts on here! Such a great thread :happy:

    I had my second obs appointment yesterday morning :bigsmile: I was so excited, got to hear the baby's heartbeat again! It sounds strong and fast - I love that sound more than anything! So worth the hour wait and being super late for work! :bigsmile:
    My next appointment is September 8 and I will be exactly 16 weeks, my Doctor said during that appointment we will book my next ultrasound and then hopefully we will be able to see if it's a boy or a girl!! YAY SO excited for that!

    Other exciting news, on Friday last week while driving in my car I felt butterflies in my lower abdomen :bigsmile: little flutters like if you were holding a butterfly in your hands! The last few nights before I go to bed I lie on my back and wait for the flutters, I've felt them most nights and it's pretty amazing. I am seriously loving every moment of this pregnancy and feel so blessed to be experiencing this miracle...I know it sounds cheesy but I don't care :wink: I am so excited to be a mom and to meet this little person :bigsmile:

    In terms of exercising I am not doing so well. I need to make it a priority, I used to work out 4-5 times per week pre-pregnancy and now if I work out once/week it's a miracle! Life is just SO busy right now and we've had a whirlwind of family, home projects, events, exam, fatigue...the list goes on and on. No more excuses! I am going to really commit to exercising at least 30 minutes a day. I know I can do it. Even if it's just taking my dog for a walk or working on the landscaping we need to get done, or cleaning the house. I have a spin bike, weights and tons of workout DVDs so I should have NO excuses!

    Ok...sorry just needed to give myself a kick in the pants :laugh:

    Happy Tuesday everyone :flowerforyou:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member

    Other exciting news, on Friday last week while driving in my car I felt butterflies in my lower abdomen :bigsmile: little flutters like if you were holding a butterfly in your hands! The last few nights before I go to bed I lie on my back and wait for the flutters, I've felt them most nights and it's pretty amazing. I am seriously loving every moment of this pregnancy and feel so blessed to be experiencing this miracle...I know it sounds cheesy but I don't care :wink: I am so excited to be a mom and to meet this little person :bigsmile:

    I feel exactly the same way! I love being a woman right now and getting to experience this miracle:smile:
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just trying to keep up here, so many new people!

    Things are great here, 15 weeks along and feeling great. Weighed in today to find that I am up .4lbs this week, a total of 5.5 since my lowest weight. That makes me happy! Starting to show a little bit, but thankfully only my hubby and I notice, all of my other friends tell me that I don't even look pregnant! No complaints here!

    Busy keeping the kids busy everyday with visits to the fountain to splash in, $1 movies at the theatre and my daughter's dance class, barely time to relax in the afternoons! I am also getting ready for our Alaskan cruise next week for my birthday. I think that is when I will stop logging food, that way I can just enjoy myself. Wish me luck at the buffet though! Last time I cruised pregnant I think I gained 7lbs in a week!

    Anyways, hoping all of you are doing well this morning, I am about to do my fitness ball routine, then take the kids to see Yogi Bear!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    My Ob appointment is this Friday & then I'm off on vacation to Lake Tahoe! Yay!

    I will ask all the necessary questions to the Dr about my road trip.

    Also, I colored my hair, I know some say don't color while pregnant but I did my research before doing it.

    Glad to hear how everyone is advancing and thanks for all the suggestions. These really help.

    I am really having trouble eating veggies. :frown:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Interesting link I thought I would share - real life birth stories from, has vaginal birth stores, c-section, birth stories, high risk, medicated, home birth...really interesting 09, 2011
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Actually, I looked at the ingredients and skinny cow and weight watchers don't contain nutra sweet or splenda, they actually just contain sugar and low fat milk rather than cream like regular ice cream!

    And I looked up maltodextrin, its not an artificial sweetener, its from wheat.
  • b4bena
    b4bena Posts: 23
    Hi all,
    Hope every one is doing great :)
    I had my first OB appointment yesterday. I wen to same Doc where I go for my annual girls appointment. She drew some blood and have ordered a US. Also did a pee test to confirm the pregnancy. I have mild ache on my left side in the lower abdomen so she was a bit concern. I am bit nervous too hard to wait till tomorrow for the US.

    I hate anything sweet. I am kind of OK with the Kashi trail mix bar for on the go breakfast and some citrusy fruits help too. most of the times I have this full feeling which make hard to eat anything. Food smells are ok as far as its "cooking" and but not so much when I think of "eating" . Trying some raw vegies and PBJ stuff like that.

    Need to get back to 4-5 days a week work outs. last week I went for a walk couple of times apart from that couldn't do much as I was very tired everyday. Love to walk outside but its too hot till like 7.00 pm here, and if I go out after that there are bunches of mosquitoes...I have so many red bumps from last week walks. So gona try some indoor thing...
  • ldykema
    ldykema Posts: 18
    I wish I could keep up with everyone! I've been trying to read all of the posts, but I can't believe what a large group this is :) Thanks to everyone contributing! Even when I'm not writing, it's great to feel like others are going through some of the same things!

    Today we're 13 weeks along and tomorrow is another OB appointment, so I'm just praying that everything goes as great as the past two and that we've officially made it through the scariest period! I am bringing our two kids (ages 4 and 6) for the first time, and I can't wait for them to hear the heartbeat!

    On the topic of exercise... Like others, I feel like I'm just not doing what I need to be doing. I've been running about 3 days per week, whereas pre-pregnancy I was running 5-6 and my weight is showing it :( I think I've gained about 7 lbs. already. I'm committed to trying harder to get my workouts in and eating right!

    Thanks again for being such a great group!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Options do I add my ticker? Do you just add it as a signature? Mine is just showing the code no pic?????? Thanks,
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    :smile: Figured it out!!! My baby's the size of a lemon, wow! It's grown a lot so far. :heart: