Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    morning all,

    its friday and I thought I'd popped in before the weekend!

    Mistibergman- first time mom and I'm kinda worried about the daycares as it is especially knowing that I'm paying SO MUCH!! Yowzers!! But I guess we need to get started on teh research and see what is going to work best for us...

    Khrys1 - thanks for that tidbit on Kohls!! I'm a bargin shopper all the way round and that was great feedback!! Question- since I'm first time and have no idea how big I'm going to get and idea who much bigger I should buy pants?? Or should I just wait?

    Dmcohee - I've been reading up on in-home daycares and so far the ones I've called charge just as much as the day cares them selves! Plus my husband makes me keep in mind the 5 to 1 rule here in texas! 5 kids to 1 adult!! learning so much

    Better Balance- I'm right there with ya sista! We have a weekend full of family birthday parties, so I'll be busy. I must remember to pack my snacks as I have become a serious grazer here lately!

    Have a safe and Happy Weekend! If I missed anyone (and I'm sure I did) I'm sorry i was trying to keep up with everyone!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Wow! I can't imagine having to go back to work so soon as it sounds in the US - I'm in Canada too and feel SO lucky that I get to take 1 year off - granted it's 55% of my salary but still!
    I'm currently working on courses to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and I'm hoping I can finish the course work by the end of my maternity leave so that I can possibly work from home and not have to return to my regular job, but we'll see what happens!

    Happy Friday everyone!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Wow! I can't imagine having to go back to work so soon as it sounds in the US - I'm in Canada too and feel SO lucky that I get to take 1 year off - granted it's 55% of my salary but still!
    I'm currently working on courses to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and I'm hoping I can finish the course work by the end of my maternity leave so that I can possibly work from home and not have to return to my regular job, but we'll see what happens!

    Happy Friday everyone!!

    WOW, how amazing! You are truly blessed...I'm in the same boat as most of the other ladies. 6 weeks off and then back to work. Thankfully my husband also gets a few days which we'll use the first week so we can both get use to our new roles. If I take any more time off than that then it would be FMLA @ no pay!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    OB appt went good, the baby was moving and had the hiccups. Too cute! My hubby went and was amazed at the baby moving, mind us this is our second and since we were young and starting with our first we didn't get to enjoy the pregnancy as we will with this one.

    I am 11 weeks my EDD 2/28/2012.

    I also have the 6 weeks, I signed up for S/T disability and will cover for 12 weeks, although I would love to take 6 months off, but as other ladies FMLA is 12 weeks only.

    I will be on road trip this weekend, heading for Tahoe and will only be able to log my Food diary through my phone. I will miss you all and check back when I return.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Just curious, How many times a week do you guys eat fish?

    my doctor said no more that twice a week, but the fish i like is very low mercury like wild alaskan salmon, trout, bronzini, & dover sole. and meat and poultry are grossing me out, while pasta makes me bloated. I have like no dinner options!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Luna, I think you are learning SOOooo much with your first pregnancy that you tend to lose or worry about things that you may not need to? therfore miss a lot of hte joys...At least that's how I feel...I think and hope by my 2nd pregnancy I'll be more at ease!!
    Enjoy your trip and enjoy the weather!!

    Sabrina, I'm a HUGE seafood fan and my doctor cut my packaged tuna to once every week (preferrably every 2 he said) and that I can have wild salmon once a week (preferably every 2)....

    But since I'm not big on eating right now, I can't say that I've had a sit down meal in a while. I seem to be heavily grazing all day long and it seems to work better for me. I'm not hungry (baby seems happy) and the I keep the naseau at bay as well. So for me it's a win, win, win situation!

    You can have other sources of protien....I have been eating lots of beans (of all kinds) here lately...chickapeas...ect....Tofu! love that stuff too
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    ofccat - Have you tried adding crystal light or propel to your water? It gives it some flavor and makes it easier to drink when I get sick of just regular water... Good luck.

    yep didn't like the taste of the flavors I tried. So far the honey seems to be doing the trick. Thanks for the idea though.

    I'm never a big fan of these kind of drink, but I understand it helps many drink their waters. Here is an article "The Pros & Cons of Crystal Light Drink:
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Thanks for the advice Babeed, my problem is that i'm not really a big fan of tofu and beans either, so this is like extra rough for me. i've been eating a lot of eggs. lol
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Wow so many posts go up in b/t me reading them, I can't keep up.
    Glad everyone is doing so well. I entered my 3rd trimester this week and boy can I tell the difference. Even though I am still quite small, things are getting uncomfortable. No more burpees or any sort of jumping at my kettlebell workout. It just feels crappy. Also I am going to tone down my weights as I find I am hurting my back easier because I tend to lean forward because of the extra belly weight. Also the weight is just pouring on no matter how well I eat lol...doing a consistent pound a week at least. Its all baby though so I am ok with that. I wanted to stay in that 25 lb weight gain range, but it looks like that may not happen. I've gained about 17 now and still have 12 weeks left to go. But I am working out and trying to eat as best I can so I know its not from being lazy, the baby needs this. And fat babies sleep well lol ! I am starting to freak out a bit having little time left. Seems like there is still so much to do before the labour, looks like I better get on it!

    Keep sweating ladies!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Friday to all my fit, fabulous and pregnant friends!

    Our morning started with a nice layer of marine moisture which made for nice, cool air on my run this morning. It felt so good I actually added an extra half mile. Goal of running 10 miles this week - check :-) Goal of eating all my calories hasn't been as easily met - I have been able to eat back my exercise calories, but still having difficulty with the total extra 300. When I mentioned the difficulty to my doctor she said, "HELLO, have you looked at where that baby is sitting?! Your stomach and intestines are all smashed up now - I am not surprised at all that you're having trouble eating!" Her thought is any gain from this point on will be swelling weight. My 37 week appointment went great - everything still right on track and doctor has given me the continued green-light for running and working out. Strep B test also came back negative - yeah!

    Amy, congratulations to you on the "no cavity club". I love it!! With all the correlations between oral health and systemic health these days it's so important to take care of our mouths. Happy to hear you are so compliant. I know it was a difficult decision for you to book the 39 week elective c-section, but I am glad to hear that you and your husband agree on that course. Who knows, maybe that little one (who if I remember correctly is measuring a couple weeks later than your due date) will decide to come early and you will have a successful VBAC. I'll just keep sending positive thoughts your way! Ahhh, getting your hair done. I need to get myself an appointment for that too. Must call today as I want to do it before my bambino arrives.

    Heather, Glad it has cooled down a little bit for you. I hate to admit it, but it is definitely starting to feel more fall like here. The mornings are crisp and cool, but we have finally been having some sunshine by afternoon most days. It's really been a cool summer in the Pacific Northwest. Your hike yesterday sounds awesome and I always love being a little sore after doing something I haven't done in a while. Makes me realize that I did truly work some different muscles. I know you will rock the glucose screening test - I had mine the morning after we returned from Europe so I was definitely worried. I am getting a pedicure this weekend too. :-) Haven't been able to comfortably reach the toes for several weeks now and figure I'd like them to look nice when the L&D staff have to look at them soon!

    Atomdraco, yeah on the ultrasound! That was when my pregnancy really started to become real. You have so many more cool milestones to look forward to!

    Ashley, love that you are flossing ;-) At 16 weeks you could start feeling movement. I'm pretty sure I didn't start feeling until closer to 19/20, but it is coming soon.

    Rayna, good luck with the Holistic Nutritionist course work. Nutrition has always been an interest of mine as well and at some point I do plan to get my Masters degree in Nutrition. Unfortunately, the Master's doesn't add any monetary value to my earning potential so my husband is working on his Masters of Nursing first.

    Kristy, your weekend plans sound great - have fun! I hate to share the bad news, but the sleeping will only get worse. I feel like a beached whale trying to get comfortable these days. Luckily for my husband he's working evenings so he doesn't have to deal with me for more than a couple hours each night. As for the silly's not silly at all. I too felt a little strange about sex early on. My rational mind knew it was perfectly safe, but it just seemed weird. Have fun with it now as it does become more challenging as your belly turns into a basketball!

    Angela, good to see you again!

    Mistibergman, I am planning on a little over four months maternity leave. I do not get paid for my time off so I have spent every paycheck since conceiving stashing money away. We are set that I can pay myself a little over 1/3 of my monthly salary each month that I am off. I plan to return to work part-time so living on less money now should make it easier to adjust when I do return to work. Still not sure if part-time will be two or three days a week for me.

    Brenda, so happy to hear that all is progressing well. Hopefully you can enjoy this pregnancy more than the first time around.

    Babeed, As for maternity sizing- I didn't start wearing maternity clothes until about 23/24 weeks. I just bought what fit me at the time and they still work great at 37 weeks. I've found that by continuing to eat healthy and by working out regularly, most of my weight is bambino and boobs. I still have people commenting "you are so small" "you can't be that far along", but I think it's just because they expect that you are going to look fat as well as pregnant and I just have a nice big basketball bump.

    Sabrina, I love fish too! I've eaten seafood on average 2-3 times a week throughout my pregnancy. My doctor gave me a list of seafoods safe 2-3 times a week as well as others that were safe less frequently. Can't remember what your favorites are, but I think I remember salmon and cod on your list?? According to my doctor those are two fish safe for 2-3x a week for consumption. You may want to check with your provider for their recommendation.

    Andrea, so good to see you again too!! Don't worry at all about the weight gain - you gained so little early on that you are still in great shape. I know I gained the most in my second trimester. As the third has moved along, my weight has actually stalled. I thought for sure I was on track for closer to a 35 pound gain, but with a little under three weeks until my due date even if I gain a pound a week I'll only hit 30. I remember you asking a while back about good dresses for a wedding you were attending. Did you find something? I have a great dress that I bought at Nordstrom about three years ago, it is made of a poly/spandex blend. It is great for travel because you can smash it into a ball in your bag and all you have to do is shake it out, no wrinkles or anything. Anyway, because of the stretchy nature I can still wear the dress at 37 weeks and it fits my ever growing belly and boobs - plus you can wear it again afterwards!

    I also wanted to say that I too really miss Ahi's right up there as one of my favorite foods....

    Happy weekend to all!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    WOW, how amazing! You are truly blessed...I'm in the same boat as most of the other ladies. 6 weeks off and then back to work. Thankfully my husband also gets a few days which we'll use the first week so we can both get use to our new roles. If I take any more time off than that then it would be FMLA @ no pay!

    Yeah we can get up to 12 weeks of leave, but it's all unpaid, you can use your sick time but that maxes out at 3 weeks. So I am trying to pick up extra shifts since we bank them as extra money or extra time off, this is what other physicians in my group do - work harder when we are most tired, lol. I'm thinking 8 weeks but I wanna save for 12 :)
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Wow it's been so quiet on the board. 23 hours with no new post. Hope that means everyone is having a great weekend! I unfortunately spent last night taking care of a husband who drank too much. Guess it's good practice for when the bambino on the way gets older. Hope the rest of everyone's weekend goes smooth!
  • ldykema
    ldykema Posts: 18
    Smilegirl~ Congrats on running so far into your pregnancy!!! I ran up until the last month of my first pregnancy and I was going to be proud of myself if I made it that far again... now I guess I have a new goal :) Thanks for being inspiring!

    Things here have been fantastic! The kids got to hear the baby's heartbeat this week and they loved it! Although I still only ran three times this week, I was able to get a couple of medium distance runs in (6 and 7 miles each). If I include my 2+ mile walks, I was able to get 28 miles in. Hopefully next week that will be over 30 (and more of it running) :)

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Wow, it is super hard to keep up.
    I am currently couched, I have an infection in my right leg called, cellulitis. I have been on antibiotics since Tuesday, the swelling stays down as long as my leg is elavated, however the rash is not getting any better yet. I go back to the Dr. Monday morning to see how things are progressing. So, I have been sitting on my bum with my right leg elavated since Tuesday, not fun at all. I was 29 weeks on Thursday, counting down 10 weeks and 5 days, Woohoo!!!
    I have my babies at home, so I don't go to an OB. I meet with a mid-wife once a month. Will start meeting closer together soon. I meet with her next Sunday the 23rd.
    I've lost some weight this week, not sure if it's because of the infection and antibiotics or just eating less.
    You guys have a fabulous weekend!!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Got in a nice walk with the dogs as my exercise today. Other than that I have been busy with finalizing the nursery. My other goal for the weekend is to get my bag mostly packed so that we are ready for the hospital when bambino decides to make their arrival. I did have a wonderful pedicure this morning so hopefully my toes and feet will look great for delivery! My husband thinks I am silly to think of such things ;-) Two ladies at different errands today both exclaimed, "but you're so tiny!" when I told them my due date. I'm still thinking it's a boy, but everyone around me seems to think girl, including strangers.......we will know soon....

    Cutmd, I think it's awesome that you can bank extra shifts for leave. My husband's hospital is the same way and he was able to get a month of paternity leave, which will be paid. Whoot whoot! Hope you are feeling good and not too terribly tired.

    MidniteDayDream, ahhh....I have found I have little patience for the drunk folks during my pregnancy. I think it is because I am just jealous that I am not getting to join them. I hope your husband isn't feeling too awful today, in my opinion there is nothing worse than being hungover. Hope the nausea for you has also gotten better!

    Leticia, your workouts sound awesome! Keep it up. I have to say that I am even surprising myself at this stage of the game, but the running still feels good so I figure I'll keep it up until it doesn't.

    Kalee, I am sorry to hear about the cellulitis. I think I'd be going stir crazy if I was put on couch/bed rest. Glad to hear you have a follow up appointment on Monday as I would think you should be getting some resolution by now. You may need a different antibiotic if things aren't starting to clear up - I'm not an M.D., but that's my RN husband's thought...Cutmd may be able to shed some light here too. I'll put you and your baby in my prayers that this resolves soon!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Andrea glad you are doing well. Sounds like you are still rocking the workouts! I think it is perfectly normal to "tone down" especially on jumping and weights. I'm the type that hates the thought of not being able to do what I've always done, but our bodies change temporarily and we just need to roll with the punches! You are doing awesome though. Keep on getting sweaty girl!

    kalee sorry to hear about your infection. I'm like Holly in that I'd be miserable if I were on bedrest and not able to at least walk! Take care of yourself and that baby!

    Holly during my class today the instructor told me that I should start thinking about packing my bag now (or at least in the next couple of weeks)! I guess as long as it is done before the baby comes that's all that matters. I think it is perfectly normal to wanna have pretty toes for your labor. I'm right there with you on that one. When I got my pedicure done the lady asked me when I was due and I told her and she said "you are having a girl right?" and I said "yes how did you know?" and she replied "well you are wide" LOL! I was like "um...okay thanks". So being told that you are tiny is awesome...people could be telling you that you are "wide" lol! She meant that I was carrying more across than out I guess but it just came out not so delicate. Good thing I'm not offended easily.

    Leticia sounds like you are doing awesome with your workouts as well. Keep up the awesome work! Glad your appt went well and the kiddos got to hear the heartbeat. :)

    Well I had a kind of revelation as I was driving to my birthing class today... Nothing happened but I was just thinking as I was driving (the drive is over an hour so it gives me lots of time to think about stuff in general). I've had an absolutely wonderful pregnancy so far. I haven't been sick besides a little nausea in the beginning but nothing horrible, my body hasn't ached, all in all I've felt wonderful. The heat has been a little hard to bear but besides that I've done awesome. So why in all of this have I still found something to complain about? Well I guess it is human nature. I'm not a big complainer anyways...but I've found myself complaining about my above average weight gain (despite my workouts and healthy eating) and my larger than life butt/thighs/hips.... I am a woman so this kind of complaining is pretty normal...except for the fact that I swore to myself that no matter how bad my pregnancy got I'd not allow myself to take it for granted and complain about menial petty things. I prayed, cried, and begged for Charlee for over 7 years of my life. I lost several babies in the process. I swore that if only I could get pregnant that I would be forever grateful.... So I'm making a goal and a promise to myself and to all of my friends still in their journey of trying to conceive that I will not complain about the menial things anymore. Yes my butt is big, but so what! Once Charlee comes I have plenty of resources and knowledge to lose it and be fit and trim just as I had been before. She is a blessing and so is this journey I'm on...

    I just wanted to share this with you all so that if any of you have lost sight of the big picture you can put it back into view. Especially for us women who take pride in our fitness and our health it is really hard to see our bodies changing, and sometimes despite what we do it isn't as we hoped (ie. a 25lb weight gain). But as long as we are doing everything we can to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, the rest is out of our hands. As far as I know we all are happy with the choice to have these little miracles growing inside of us. So lets take every day to be grateful for the blessing we have. We are all so very lucky...
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow and I just found out I'm pregnant last week. I'm going in for my 3rd blood test tomorrow to make sure my beta levels are doubling. I had a tubal ligation reversal 3 months ago and a previous ectopic before my last pregnancy so I've had an early ultrasound but it showed nothing-not even a gestational sac. Good news is that the Dr. didn't see anything in my tube either. I haven't worked out for 3 months because of my surgery so I need some motivation! Oh and I gained 50 lbs with my other 2 pregnancies and I was overweight back then so I definitely don't want to this time! I'm going to use MFP my entire pregnancy to keep me accountable. Hopefully, I'll be able to stay in this group....pray that I don't lose my baby!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    80lbslost - Welcome! And congrats. I hope you stay in this group. Fingers crossed for you and your baby for a healthy pregnancy.

    Kaylee - Thinking of you. I'm sorry to hear about he infection, too.

    Holly & Heather - My bag is officially packed now! Never too early. Spending the day getting the last of the newborn stuff ready for his or her arrival as just never know!

    And Heather, I like your revelation. You're a gorgeous healthy Mama and and you'll continue to be after your Charlee arrives. There is no doubt about that.

    Have a few sneaks my Sis took yesterday at our maternity and family that I'm sharing...mostly because I can't believe how amazing she made me feel:




    Sorry they're so big - Tried to resize. Running of time now! Have to love ya and leave ya. Colby is with G'ma & G'pa and I've got to keep on moving making the most of my toddler-free day! Back to work tomorrow for the final four 12 hour shifts! So excited.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    911girl~ Love those pics!!!!
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    wow just reading some of your posts re maternity leave. I feel blessed now. I will get 6 months full salary then i get 3 months statutory sick pay which isnt much (prob equates to 25% of my salary i guess) then i can have 3 more months off totally unpaid if ic hose. Ill just have the 9, cant afford to go unpaid. You lot deserve a medal for saving money to cover your stuff is so pricey too