Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    And Mistie, I have heard of placenta brain althought I am no dingier than I usually am. :smile: Good luck with the wedding planning!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Mistibergman - I have noticed that my forgetfulness gets worse with every pregnancy & this is my 5th so it is really bad! LOL!!
  • Heather, no, unfortunately I didn't work out either. The fact that I've only gained 10 pounds is pretty amazing. The fatigue in the first trimester was absolutely insane. It was not like that when I was pregnant with my daughter. So I am hoping to go take water aerobics classes at the gym with all the 70 year old ladies. I took a class once and enjoyed it quite a bit :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Kristy - I announced my pregnancy on facebook at 11 weeks, I just couldn't wait the 1 extra week! LOL
    I've been SO excited to share the news, I too wanted to shout from the rooftops because I didn't think I would be able to get pregnant and this is our first baby & such a new & exciting experience! :bigsmile:

    I say just announce it when you feel comfortable! I even started a pregnancy album and am posting 1 pic a week of my belly :wink:
    It's an exciting time in my life and I want to share it!

    I announced mine on facebook saying, "Jay is going to be a daddy and I'm pretty sure it's mine" lol :bigsmile:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I had an amazing workout with my personal trainer on Monday night, I was sweating buckets! lol. It was really good. I'm still sore - my quads and hammies ;) did lots of squats, step ups, dead lifts and spinning. I also did a lot of arms and shoulders, only with 12 lbs but still felt good to do some circuit training!

    Going to do another round tomorrow night.

    Feeling really good this week, no nausea and a little bit more energy! I think maybe I'm over the first trimester symptoms! YAY :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    With my first pregnancy, I definitely felt more excited and wanted to share the news with everyone. And I did announce it I think on facebook at 14 weeks.

    This pregnancy I'm just so tired and really don't want everyone to know just yet. I don't want to deal with family politics so early on and I feel like the moment you tell people its like a non stop conversation and I just don't have the energy. I also want everyone to continue paying attention to my 2.5 year old, rather than always focusing on the pregnancy and the new baby that is coming.

    does that make sense? lol
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Got two new books in the mail today!!
    - Husband Coached Childbirth, The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth
    - Hypnobirthing

    I'm really excited to read both an learn as much as I can :)

    Has anyone on here had discussions with their Doctors/Obstetricians about how they want their birth to go or what their preferences are? Just curious as I'm going to try to have this conversation with mine at my next appointment. I'm really hoping to have a natural child birth, I know you can't plan for everything and unexpected things can happen and plans can change in an instant, obviously I will do whatever is best for the safety of the baby - but I just really hope I can do it naturally.

    Anyways...sorry, rambling, just thinking a lot about birth lately (having TONS of birth dreams!) and this is my first baby so it's all new to me and I have NO idea what to expect. I'm sure I'll know more than I want to after reading these
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    rayna- I went through the birthing plan and everything with my OB during my last pregnancy and then I wasn't dilating and my contractions were irregular, so i got pitocin about 5 hours into labor. Then because of the pitocin, I got exhausted and after 4 hours of agony (and I mean AGONY, I really thought I was going to die) the OB said I NEEDED the epidural or I would get too tired to push and may not make it, so I got the epidural after 9 hours of labor. Then my son ended up with a breech arm, so I needed either forceps or a c-section. I drew the line there after 1.5 hours of active pushing, I wouldn't have a c-section unless absolutely necessary. So they used forceps. Basically , everything about my son's labor went NOTHING according to plan. And this happened with a lot of women I know (which might also be a NYC thing- doctors here are more nervous about being sued).

    To be honest, a birthing plan is great, but omg, so many things can happen while in labor and some women do feel disappointed because they couldn't follow their birthing plan (just as some women feel disappointed when they can't nurse and had planned to nurse). The most important thing is to do what is best for you and your baby and that everyone comes out of it healthy.

    PS- I totally don't mean to scare you. Labor really wasn't as bad as I'm making it out to be, and I have a beautiful, healthy, intelligent 33 month old to prove it!

    Oh, and this time, the moment I get to the hospital I'm asking for an epidural. Btw, don't assume you won't feel anything with an epidural. I felt everything. It just took the worst edge off the pain, but otherwise I could feel EVERYTHING!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Wow!!! I didn't know you could feel anything with an epidural. I got one when I was in labor with my son. I went a long time with nothing and I wasn't dialating so they gave it to me to relax and it worked, I feel asleep for 1 hour and dialated from a 2 - 10 and was ready to push. I didn't feel anything after I got the epidural. My legs were still numb until about midnight and I got the epidural at about 9:30 pm. I think. I'm hoping to do it all natural this time, and not be induced but well see. I'm just gonna go with the flow. If I have to have something I will definately get the epidural. :smile:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Misti my brain is mush most of the time! I have to write everything down or else I forget. I'm usually very on top of things but this pregnancy brain is definitely NOT a myth! lol

    Rayna I applaud you for sitting down with your doc and telling him/her all of the things you'd like to have happen for your pregnancy. So many women just "wing" it... I mean we do research when we buy a house, car, or computer...but when it comes to the labor and delivery of the most precious thing in our lives we just follow what the doc says to do at the time. Not for this girl! Of course things will not go exactly as planned but you should have a birth plan that you acknowledge as being flexible. In the very beginning I told the doctor that I was planning on using the Bradley method and wanted as little interventions as possible as well as that I wanted to go natural. She herself had her babies natural and was all for this. We discussed several basic aspects of the things that my husband and I wanted for the birth. After having gone to the class I was better prepared to sit down and discuss with her even more yesterday regarding induction (I refuse to be induced before 42wks unless it is a hazard to me or the baby), episiotomy (I don't want one), internal monitoring/forceps/vacuum, etc.. I told her we were working on the birth plan and again wanted to make sure we were on the same page. It is so very important that you have a doctor that you see eye to eye on all of these aspects because if that doc/midwife isn't for you, there are plenty more out there that you would do better with. I don't even plan on going into the hospital until I am in very active labor (right before transition) and I discussed this with her as well and she is fine with it. I don't for a minute think my labor/delivery is going to be perfect, but I think if you have a plan that you know is flexible it gives you some peace of mind that at least the nurses and doctors know your wishes. It is okay to be proactive about yours and your baby's health. After all...if you aren't , who is? My recommendation is to write down all the things that you feel are important to you at this point and discuss them with your doctor at this visit and let them know you are planning on going natural and ask how they feel about that. Then after you read the book/do more research you can talk again with the doc about anything that wasn't covered. Let me know how you like the hypnobirthing! And if you haven't seen "The Business of Being Born" I highly recommend is very enlightening! :)
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    I announced mine on facebook saying, "Jay is going to be a daddy and I'm pretty sure it's mine" lol :bigsmile:

    Very cute :) I might use this!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Wow!!! I didn't know you could feel anything with an epidural. I got one when I was in labor with my son. I went a long time with nothing and I wasn't dialating so they gave it to me to relax and it worked, I feel asleep for 1 hour and dialated from a 2 - 10 and was ready to push. I didn't feel anything after I got the epidural. My legs were still numb until about midnight and I got the epidural at about 9:30 pm. I think. I'm hoping to do it all natural this time, and not be induced but well see. I'm just gonna go with the flow. If I have to have something I will definately get the epidural. :smile:

    I think you bring up a good point Misti...everyone's pregnancy as well as labor is different. I don't think it is fair to tell your horror stories, especially to first time moms and make it seem like that is the norm. I am a RN and have seen lots of patients as well as friends deliver babies and there is a broad spectrum of "normal". I've had women say that the labor/delivery was "uncomfortable" but not horrible, and I've seen women who thought they were going to die. I've seen beautiful natural births with no complications what so ever and I've seen emergency c-sections. We are all different and we all will have different experiences with our labor/delivery. I am one to be positive and go in KNOWING it will be hard work but that I will get through it with a beautiful baby at the end. I don't listen to negative stories and horror stories because quite simply that was YOUR experience and fear is not going to my driving force in such a beautiful time of my life.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Kristy - I announced my pregnancy on facebook at 11 weeks, I just couldn't wait the 1 extra week! LOL
    I've been SO excited to share the news, I too wanted to shout from the rooftops because I didn't think I would be able to get pregnant and this is our first baby & such a new & exciting experience! :bigsmile:

    I say just announce it when you feel comfortable! I even started a pregnancy album and am posting 1 pic a week of my belly :wink:
    It's an exciting time in my life and I want to share it!

    I announced mine on facebook saying, "Jay is going to be a daddy and I'm pretty sure it's mine" lol :bigsmile:

    LMAO!!! That is AWESOME!!! :laugh: I love it! I'm trying to think of a clever way to announce it and no matter what I come up with, yours beats it! So funny and cute!
    I'm thinking, as long as everything looks great at our appointment on Monday, we'll probably announce it after that. I'm excited. :smile:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ack, my last update to all of you got stuck in quotes and I didn’t see it until it was too late to edit it!
    I had a great weekend workout wise: Bootcamp, running and eating mostly healthy (minus the melting pot for dinner one night). This week I have lots of exercising goals too! Yoga, Bootcamp x2, running and
    Zumba. I go on vacation next week for 2 weeks and hope to maIntain my fitness workouts!

    Wow, you are doing great! What kind of Zumba are you doing? DVD or the class? I wanna try it… Do you think Beachbody will make one?
    I love this forum :) It's so fun to read about what is in store for me! I have my first doctor's appointment set up for next Tuesday. I'm really anxious!! I know that four tests said positive, but I'm still worried that it's not real...I can't wait to be sure! I'm also a little nervous about exercise! I know that it should be okay because I've been exercising actively for 7 months, but I'm a little bit weary.

    Umm, trust me, you’re pregnant – LOL! False positives are close to impossible. Exercise is rough because of energy levels, but you’ll work it out!

    My glucose test was this morning and the drink itself wasn't horrible (I've definitely had better though)...but after I drank it I felt like I just popped some energy pills or drank an energy drink. I was shaky and my heart was racing. After I got home I just felt blah and like I had a hangover. Obviously my body isn't used to the overdose in sugar! So basically all day I've been a lazy bum and have managed to get nothing accomplished. I've got a headache and am feeling totally unmotivated. I guess we all have those days. The lack of sleep last night with the early morning appointment mixed with the sugar overload has left me less than myself...but tomorrow is a new day! So no complaints here...just gonna chill today and start fresh tomorrow!

    you sound like me after a gluten-free cupcake binge! You desrve the break, though, no worries! Sounds like we do a lot of the same workouts, except I also do beach body programs and don’t hike as much as I would like to.
    Well the Dr.'s office just called and my levels are 3,192, which is good since 3.5 days earlier it was 772! He still wants me to go in for an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon to rule out ectopic so I'll let you all know how it goes. Pray that I can see my sticky bean! smile
    yay! They are visible transvaginally after 2000 so you should definitely see something! Good luck!

    As for me, this is my last full week of work. I am working next week, but have a very light patient load. That way I can catch up on my patient calls and take it kind of easy. I had two patients today shocked that I'm two weeks from my due date - again their comment is "you're so tiny". Trust me, I am not tiny! One told me I only looked about seven months, just sends home how differently we all carry our bambinos. The nursery is ready, car seat is in the car, bag is packed so I think I'm prepared...I ran my three miles yesterday so I am thinking I may get my ten in again this week. Still working on trying to eat the extra 300 calories, I get so darn full so quickly now.

    Holy are you an NP in a clinic or something? You are doing soooo well, it’s incredible how much you are running. I ran for a while the other day and thought of you. I wish my IT band wasn’t such a brat so I could jog like you! Think peanut butter and even occasional treats, I think it’s allowed!
    It's just an exciting time that I want to share. I guess I don't mean JUST Facebook, but moreso when do you plan on telling all of your friends? Facebook is just an example because I have friends all over the country since we're military so it makes it easier to share the news.

    Kristy, I told my close family and best friend, but I am going to basically wait till the first trimester is over for the rest. I am not very active on facebook so I probably won’t mention it there until it’s practically time to announce the baby! :laugh:

    Might be a TMI question, but this is something i really need advice about: What do you guys do about the constipation? I've tried miralax and colace, and nothing seems to help. I only eat 100% whole wheat bread and pasta and I eat about 30-45 grams of fiber a day and nothing seems to help. Any advice is welcome!!!!!

    Sabrina, of course plenty of water, also remember you can take as much miralax as you need (even a few capfuls) and it takes a while to work. If push comes to shove, dulcolax is pregnancy category B, which means it’s relatively safe. I have chronic constipation issues, one thing that has actually helped me a ton is my prenatal vitamins, which are New Chapter organic Perfect Prenatal. They contain probiotics and I love them!
    Heather, no, unfortunately I didn't work out either. The fact that I've only gained 10 pounds is pretty amazing. The fatigue in the first trimester was absolutely insane. It was not like that when I was pregnant with my daughter. So I am hoping to go take water aerobics classes at the gym with all the 70 year old ladies. I took a class once and enjoyed it quite a bit :)
    Welcome Mavila! I feel you on the fatigue, definitely try to push through!

    As for me, I have been feeling better the last couple days. Got some good sleep, and been super busy everyday! I'm hoping to pick up some last minute wedding things today and then back home to decorate my sons room. He's out of town right now with his aunt and uncle so I want it to be all set up and ready when he gets back!!! Can't wait to see him. He' s been gone 6 days and I'm going crazy!!!! Second time I've ever been with out him for more than a day/night!

    misti, how are you balancing all this? It must be hard missing your baby boy!
    I had an amazing workout with my personal trainer on Monday night, I was sweating buckets! lol. It was really good. I'm still sore - my quads and hammies ;) did lots of squats, step ups, dead lifts and spinning. I also did a lot of arms and shoulders, only with 12 lbs but still felt good to do some circuit training!

    Congrats! I find it soooo hard to do my usual circuit training now, so good for you!

    Is anyone else have ligament pain? I notice I have it with sprinting and my beloved turbofire workouts. My OB said I shouldn’t do anything that irritates my round ligament or I it may affect my future exercise. She is also in the 150 heart rate club for after the second trimester, so I have some thinking and reworking to do. In the meantime I am so freaking tired and nauseated I can’t wait till this trimester is over. I HATE the smell of baking chicken now!
  • lroswald
    lroswald Posts: 11
    HI LADIES! I'm excited about this thread because during my run TODAY I was just thinking that I would love to know some fit pregnant, or been pregnant woman. I'm waiting a little while to start trying, but I want to envision how I can stay fit when the time comes.

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    cutmd I love my New Chapter organic prenatals! I'm just curious as to what your OB's reasoning behind restricting your workouts to a heart rate below 150? There is so much recent information that discounts this old school thinking. I respect your decision as a new mom and physician in this choice...was just curious as to why your OB believes this is good practice? Do you wear a heart rate monitor during all of your workouts?
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Heather- i don't even view my labor as a horror story. How can I? I got safely through it and so did my baby. My point was just that as much as you plan, sometimes things are out of your control and you have to be prepared for that as well.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Sabrina I understand what you are saying. My biggest fear (as well as many first time moms that I know) is that things will spiral out of control and that is exactly what your labor sounded like. One intervention led to another which led to a less than desirable labor and delivery experience. By "horror story" I meant a situation that is someone's fear and not that your outcome wasn't desirable (I'm very glad you have a healthy child of course). By telling a first time mom who is optimistic that you were in agony and thought you would die is not the way to suggest being flexible in your birth plan is all I was getting at. I have a pretty concrete plan for my birth on things I do and do not want, but am very realistic and understand that there has to be flexibility and having realistic goals.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Wednesday evening to all!

    Kristy, I think everyone has a different idea of when they are comfortable announcing their pregnancy. We told our immediate family right away - we found out over the holidays and my parents were staying with us. They knew how long we'd been ttc and we just couldn't contain our excitement. After our 12 week ultrasound we felt comfortable telling our best friends. We waited until about 16 weeks or so to really go public with the information and I didn't tell my work until I was 25 or 26 weeks. My doctor also says that a strong heartbeat at 12 weeks usually dramatically decreases your chance of a miscarriage. I'd say if it feels right to announce it, go for it! It is VERY exciting news!!

    Mavila1978, Welcome! 20 weeks isn't too late to get back into the swing of things. This is a fantastic group of really supportive women. I've been here since very early on in my pregnancy and definitely feel like I've made some great friends.

    Misti, thanks for the sweet words. I've been so lucky to have had such an uneventful pregnancy, I still feel great and no complaints here. I too have had some pregnancy brain mush! I think it can be pretty common. Good luck this weekend - I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers that your day turns out as special as you'd like it to be.

    Ashley, ahhh....the second trimester gain....I know for me that was when I put on most of my weight. I'm sure that things will settle out for you when you get back to your more normal routine. Have fun with your training.

    Rayna, your workouts sound awesome! Keep up the great work! I have discussed with my doctor my plans regarding birth. I am a pretty laid back person and my birth plan is pretty simple - I plan to leave the hospital with my healthy bambino! I too would like to have a natural birth, but having never done this before, I am not opposed to medication if I don't feel like I can handle the labor. My doctor understands my thoughts on this and is supportive of whatever I choose. I also am delivering in a hospital with all the doctors, nurses, drugs and opportunities available in case we need them. This is what makes me most comfortable.

    Cutmd, I have to say that I am even surprising myself at this stage of the game. I never thought I'd still be running in week 38. I started my pregnancy thinking I would be happy if I could keep it up until six months. Then when that rolled around I thought hmm..maybe I can go to seven and so on and so on....we'll see if week 39 for the extra calories - yes, I eat nuts during the workday and I even added peanut butter to my scoop of ice cream tonight. I think it's just adding the extra workout calories and the fact that so much of my diet is vegetables and fruit, it makes me full and then makes it difficult to add any more. I'm still in the healthy gain range (did manage to get to 28 pounds up this week) and my doctor isn't concerned at all. By the way, I am a registered dental hygienist.

    Heather, I don't know if I've shared this before or not, but I never really thought I'd be a runner either. I started running in high school as a way to burn more calories because I didn't want to "get fat". I tinkered with it off and on in college and it was probably about 9-10 years ago when I really just started running regularly and got motivated to do some marathons. I am a very goal oriented person and like having something to work towards. I truly get the freedom experience that running brings! I also am not very good at working out in a gym, I really like being outdoors. Plus with running, I can do it just about anywhere. For me it brings just as much mental health as physical health and is such a good outlet for my frustrations and working things out in my mind. As for not complaining, I feel so amazingly blessed to have been given the opportunity to carry my own child. Like you, this wasn't a super easy road for us and I am just enjoying every moment of it. I sincerely hope we will be able to have a second bambino, but also realize this could be our only one. I also truly believe that keeping a healthy lifestyle has contributed to my feeling so good throughout this pregnancy. I am in shock that I am 14 days from my due date - the time has gone so quickly! Happy to hear that Al will be home this weekend. Have fun with the nursery and keep rocking the workouts!

    Hugs to all my fit and fabulous pregnant friends!
  • I wish I could run. I used to run in high school for no reason whatsoever. I was never very good at it nor very fast but every day during summer vacation I'd be out there in the Texas heat and run a mile or 2 just because it felt so good to come home and get a big glass of water afterwards. I stopped doing it in college when one of my professors offered extra credit for those who would run with him and I couldn't keep up. I got embarrassed and out of the habit and just stopped. Now with my weight, any kind of impact is really difficult on my feet and ankles, but I'm sure that eventually I would be able to get back into it.

    My husband has been pretty good about going to the gym 3 times a week or so, but I haven't been in months. I have a question about this though, I've heard that you are not supposed to let your heart rate go over 140 but I'll hit that after walking on the treadmill for five minutes. Doing my normal 30 minutes on the elliptical my heart rate averages between 165 and 170 and sometimes higher depending on what kind of shape I'm in, and it's hard but I'm not pushing THAT hard. Is there any other kid of exercise that I can do that won't push the HR too high? I'm thinking of taking the water aerobics class at the indoor pool that will at least keep me cool, but that might get old.