Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning my fit and fabulous friends!

    Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! Way to go sis! :)

    Woke up this morning a little tired and worn down....but I've got plans on a hike and then lunch with my mother so it should be a really great day. This weekend was a little lonely. I'm missing Al and at this point just ready for him to be home and not leave for a while (he's been gone much of this past year). He should be home later this week so we will have lots to do next weekend. I'm just praying the weather holds up and hangs out in the 80s for the rest of the summer. :)

    Hope all of you ladies had a fabulous weekend with lots of fun activities and healthy choices!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello all. We had a crazy weekend. A quick storm with 80mph winds bleww a 36" diameter oak partially onto our house on Saturday early evening. We need a new front roof over our covered porch, new window, and some new siding. Power is out, I'm guessing until at least Thursday, cable is out, and about 1/3 of our street is blocked by 2 large trees that came down. Luckily no one was hurt although we watched the big thing come down right from our front room. It is interesting that I had no flight response. Rather I stood there looking out the windown and was surprised when glass came crashing down around my feet so calmly walked out of the room to start looking for something for the window. Anyways, put a damper on the weekend and I ate what was convenient, logged little and got little real exercise in. Such is happens and you deal. I'm not so worried about it. On the flip side, the whole neighborhood was out checking out damage, loaning each other extension cords, running each other power from generators, and watching the guys cut trees off the power lines. I met some new neighbors and had a fun time hanging out checking it all out. Oh and luckily the weather has been highs in the low 80's so no AC has not been a problem. So an interesting weekend for me indeed!

    My work week is crazy and I have training for 3 days at the end so am pretty stressed in general and just want the week to be over. Not sure how much I'll be working out this weekend unless its cleaning branches out of my front yard......

    Hope your weekends were a little more mellow than mine!

    Heather, hope your week goes by fast so you get to see Al soon.

    911Girl your pics are super cute.

    Welcome to all the new peeps!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    I just found out that I am pregnant this weekend - I really want to stay in shape during and after the baby! I have just recently lost 30 pounds using MFP, so I know it will be a great tool to help me during pregnancy! I know I don't really need to eat for two :) I've been running a lot and I've heard that I can run up until the baby's born if I want, so that's awesome! This is my first baby, so I'm interested to see how I handle everything. I hope it all goes well and the baby weight falls right off! I hope you all can give me advice and I'll support you the best I can!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi all! Hope you had a GREAT weekend! The weather here lately has been wonderful- no humidity and in the 70s, which is much better than our usual 80%+ humidity and temps in the 90s!

    Met my goal last week- did 50 more minutes of exercise than my weekly goal- haven't done that in forever. I forgot how addicting exercise can be! Am using my home gym, as well as walking outside, and am getting a bit more into water aerobics- apparently there's a study that shows women who do water aerobics throughout their pregnancy have easier deliveries, etc., and it's just nice to feel weightless! :laugh: I've tried it at two different schools with two different instructors, and have found one that's actually pretty tough.

    Maternity leave- Unless I've been dying the last 10 years, I've still gone into work, knowing that I'd want to save up and use all those sick days someday.... So, I'll have paid maternity leave from the week before Christmas break to the week before spring break, returning for a 2 day week, then a full week before spring break. There are so many vacations that fall into my maternity leave that I'll get about 14 weeks off for the "price" of 11. I'd take a bit longer, but we have to be physically present for 2/3 of the school year for it to count as a year of experience (which is the only possible way to get a slight raise each year), so I'll be headed back....

    911girl- adorable pictures!

    Babeed854- I know what you mean about clothing sizes- I bought a ton of maternity clothes when I first found out I was pregnant, and now have to take most of them back because I'm not even showing yet (23 weeks), but I AM keeping most of the pants, as they've got this belly cover thing that fits now and seems as if it will fit no matter how big the belly gets. Just be sure to keep your receipts!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I had my kidney ultrasound on Friday and the tech was so sweet...she showed me the baby and you could see it's little heart just flickering away! So cool!!! :) I can't wait for next Monday when we have the actual OB appointment and ultrasound so we can see it better. :) Eric is going with me so he'll get to see it too. He's excited and was bummed he didn't get to see it on Friday when I did. It's so surreal to think I have a tiny, living human being growing inside me. lol
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Well I had a kind of revelation as I was driving to my birthing class today... Nothing happened but I was just thinking as I was driving (the drive is over an hour so it gives me lots of time to think about stuff in general). I've had an absolutely wonderful pregnancy so far. I haven't been sick besides a little nausea in the beginning but nothing horrible, my body hasn't ached, all in all I've felt wonderful. The heat has been a little hard to bear but besides that I've done awesome. So why in all of this have I still found something to complain about? Well I guess it is human nature. I'm not a big complainer anyways...but I've found myself complaining about my above average weight gain (despite my workouts and healthy eating) and my larger than life butt/thighs/hips.... I am a woman so this kind of complaining is pretty normal...except for the fact that I swore to myself that no matter how bad my pregnancy got I'd not allow myself to take it for granted and complain about menial petty things. I prayed, cried, and begged for Charlee for over 7 years of my life. I lost several babies in the process. I swore that if only I could get pregnant that I would be forever grateful.... So I'm making a goal and a promise to myself and to all of my friends still in their journey of trying to conceive that I will not complain about the menial things anymore. Yes my butt is big, but so what! Once Charlee comes I have plenty of resources and knowledge to lose it and be fit and trim just as I had been before. She is a blessing and so is this journey I'm on...

    I just wanted to share this with you all so that if any of you have lost sight of the big picture you can put it back into view. Especially for us women who take pride in our fitness and our health it is really hard to see our bodies changing, and sometimes despite what we do it isn't as we hoped (ie. a 25lb weight gain). But as long as we are doing everything we can to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, the rest is out of our hands. As far as I know we all are happy with the choice to have these little miracles growing inside of us. So lets take every day to be grateful for the blessing we have. We are all so very lucky...

    This is SO true :o) I totally wholeheartedly agree! Well said, I too prayed, cried and wished for this baby for a really long time and went through a lot to finally get here, and I am SO grateful - thank you for reminding me! :flowerforyou:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    911girl your pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS! You look amazing :flowerforyou:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all hope you had a wonderful weekend, mine was great - too short, but great! Got a little bit of a sunburn but still had a great time.

    Going to do some circuit training after work, it's been a few weeks now - all I've been doing is walking my dog and doing a prenatal video so we'll see how I do! Wish me luck! I'm actually really excited because I really miss working out with my trainer, she's pregnant right now too - a few weeks ahead of me so at least I know she knows how I feel! Lol

    Started taking Omega 3 Fish Oil with DHA again on Friday 3 gel caps in the morning with my prenatal vitamin :)
    My nutritionist and Naturopath recommended taking them because it helps with the baby's brain & heart development as well as retina formation and nervous system :)

    Here's an article for anyone who's interested:
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Super busy exhausting weekend!!! I'm so tired today I can barely keep my eyes open. I managed to get moved into my new house, the old house cleaned and ready to rent, and the new house is almost set up. I love it!!!! I hate the fact that it's three stories and now I have sore legs, hips, feet and back.....I was so busy trying to get things done, I really didn't eat healthy over the weekend. It was more like whatever was there and convenient for me. I lost 2.6 lbs over the last 4 days....assuming because of all the up and down the stairs., carrying boxes. I will be back on track this week. I have chicken breast's thawing and a huge green salad waiting for me....yum! I am going to try and rest this week when I can. I'm getting married Saturday!!!!!! Still can't believe it! So needless to say it will be another crazy busy weekend. School for my son will start the week after so things usually calm down around that time, and I am definately looking forward to it! Now that I'm moved, my sister and I get to start our morning walks again. Can't wait!!! I am also so excited that my soon to be husband will be going back to night shift for a while and I will have more time to do my yoga workout!!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    lunarokra - Glad your appt. went well. Hope you had an awesome time on your road trip.

    atomdraco- Thanks for posting the link on the pros and cons of crystal light. Will read that very soon.

    midnite day dream - Your nicer than me. I can't stand being around drunk people when I'm soon to be husband drank to much to on Sat night, but he knows better than to ask me for help with anything when he's drunk. I just let him figure it out... :)

    Kaylee34 - Hope you get feeling better soon!!!

    80lbs lost - Congrats!!!! Will be praying for you and baby!

    911 Girl - Beautiful pics!!!!! You look great!

    Better Balance 2 - Your weekend does sound crazy!!!! Glad nobody was hurt and hopefully things are fixed and back to normal very soon. Good luck!

    jrueckert - Contrats!!!

    Kristy_estes21 - Don't you just love that little heart beat!!! Congrats! Glad your hubby gets to go with you to the next appt. Mine misses most because he works out of town, luckily we can schedule the 22 week ultrasound early enough for him to get to go!!!
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks for all the support! I woke up at 5:30 a.m. because I was worried about my blood test today so I decided to do my pilates workout dvd and I felt much better :) Anyway, I went in at 8:30 a.m. for my hcg blood test and I never got my results back! With my other 2 tests last week I got results in 2 hours so now I'm worried. I'm praying my baby is ok! The Dr.'s office said that the lab is usually backed up on Mondays but that didn't ease my worries. I'm hoping tomorrow a.m. I'll have some good news!
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    80lbslost~ at least they call you. I have to pester my doc and even then I never get the full results sometimes. When I asked about my hCG draws a few weeks ago I was told "well, they're going up." But then again I have to deal with military docs, I never get a straight answer out of them. Hell, I don't even have a steady OB for my baby. I have whatever doc is available when they schedule my appointment............
  • psychochillie
    psychochillie Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I want to connect with other pregnant ladies to see how you are eating and be encouraged. I'm 9 weeks pregnant with baby #3. We have 2 boys so far. My last birth was a planned home birth with a midwife. This birth will be a home birth too. I only learned about MFP a few days ago, but it has already helped me to make more sensible food choices. My eating was a bit out of control before MFP! I love the amount of exercise I am doing, but there's still room for food improvement. I live in Adelaide, Australia.
    All the best to everyone
    From Heidi
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning to my fit and beautiful pregnant friends!

    Welcome to all the newcomers! Jump right in!

    jrueckert there are lots of us first time moms on this board all with the same goals to stay healthy during our pregnancy and have a beautiful healthy baby! Keep up your running as long as you can. There are several running mommies on the board that are still rocking their runs and very close to be due!

    khrys the weather has been awesome here too! FINALLY! Hoping it stays this way. Congrats on meeting/beating your goal!!! I forgot to mention I also met my goal of only eating out twice (well I did get a salad from the salad bar at the local grocery store...does that count? lol).

    Awww Kristy I'm so happy for you! :) Isn't it awesome taking a peak at your sweet bundle, even if it is unrecognizable as a baby at this stage. I loved every opportunity I had to see the baby!

    Rayna sounds like an awesome workout! Let us know how that went! I miss working out with a trainer as well. The last one I had wouldn't have been good during pregnancy though....he was pretty hardcore and hearing any kind of whining would just make him work you harder (which I loved at the time of course). I also recommend EVERY woman on this board be taking Fish oil or a prenatal with DHA! It is so healthy not only for you but for your baby! Before I got pregnant my high risk pregnancy doc told me to start taking a whopping 4000mg of fish oil a day which he had read studies that showed how it increased couples chances of conceiving. I'm also an advocate of taking a baby aspirin as long as you don't have any bleeding disorders, but that's something you'd want to discuss with your doc.

    Misti sounds like it has been a crazy week for you! Make sure you take care of yourself amidst all the madness! :)

    80lbs keeping you in my thoughts! Hope you get good answers this morning!

    Well I'm up and at it early again this morning. I'm starting to wake up even before my alarm goes off at 630am. My doc appt is today and I'm doing my glucose testing. I'm a little nervous because I have pcos w/insulin resistance and already take meds for that to keep my sugars/insulin in check. But according to my last A1C I'm doing awesome so I'm sure there's no reason for me to worry. I've also started to feel hiccups! It is pretty awesome. I'm pretty sure she is head down and I feel them right on the area of my cervix (such a weird feeling!). Hard to miss that rhythmic thud though. She is getting so big and her movements are changing more into rubbing and rolling pushing than the tiny kicks we start off feeling. It is so sweet and cute (except in the middle of the night...then I just tell her to go back to sleep! lol).

    Well I'm gonna get ready for my appt then afterwards come back and workout. Hope you all have an awesome day!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Heather, that is so sweet...the hiccups. lol I can't wait to feel the baby move! (during the day of course so I can rest at night. haha!) Seeing the heartbeat was so cool. I totally didn't expect her to show me since I was only in for a kidney ultrasound. My husband was in the waiting room and I felt bad because had I known I would have had him come back with me. Oh well, less than a week now and we'll get a better glimpse of him/her. :)

    I had a dream last night that I started bleeding and lost the baby. I hate bad dreams like that. It was really weird though because my husband was supposed to be leaving for a deployment, but for some reason I was with my best friend from high school and her parents. She was also leaving for deployment and they told me they would take me to the ER after we dropped her off at the air terminal on base. lol

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! :flowerforyou:
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member

    I had a dream last night that I started bleeding and lost the baby. I hate bad dreams like that. It was really weird though because my husband was supposed to be leaving for a deployment, but for some reason I was with my best friend from high school and her parents. She was also leaving for deployment and they told me they would take me to the ER after we dropped her off at the air terminal on base. lol

    I've had a few of these dreams and in them no one seems as concerned as I am. The last time I dreamt that we were at my brother-in-laws playing poker and they wanted to finish thier game before they took me to the hospital. I also have a little problem with night terrors. I wake up thinking there are spiders and I jump out of bed screaming. I've been having this for about 3-4 years now but it's worth when I'm pregnant. We've been getting a lot of crickets in the house lately so my night terrors have turned from spiders to crickets with really long spider legs. My husband is finally learning to sleep through it :noway:
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Well today is another good day exercise wise! I woke up early again and did the elliptical for 25 min. and some stretching. I REALLY don't want to gain weight in my first trimester like I did with my other 2 pregnancies but I think I've already gained in my breasts LOL.
    Hopefully I'll hear from my doctor today about my hcg numbers!

    MidniteDayDream- I am very happy with my nurse practitioner and Ob/Gyn-they usually call me right away and even after hours so I feel blessed. Sorry you have the run around with your Dr. Hopefully things will improve!

    Heidi- Welcome to the group and MFP. I'm new here too :) I have 2 boys too and praying for a baby girl!

    Heather- Hope your test goes well today...let us know and I'll let you know when I find out my results.

    Oh, and I'm having crazy dreams too! Guess it's normal during pregnancy, huh?
    My name is Sylvia :)
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member

    I had a dream last night that I started bleeding and lost the baby. I hate bad dreams like that. It was really weird though because my husband was supposed to be leaving for a deployment, but for some reason I was with my best friend from high school and her parents. She was also leaving for deployment and they told me they would take me to the ER after we dropped her off at the air terminal on base. lol

    I've had a few of these dreams and in them no one seems as concerned as I am. The last time I dreamt that we were at my brother-in-laws playing poker and they wanted to finish thier game before they took me to the hospital. I also have a little problem with night terrors. I wake up thinking there are spiders and I jump out of bed screaming. I've been having this for about 3-4 years now but it's worth when I'm pregnant. We've been getting a lot of crickets in the house lately so my night terrors have turned from spiders to crickets with really long spider legs. My husband is finally learning to sleep through it :noway:

    OMG!! That is awful! lol I used to have nightmares about scorpions because I got stung by one on the bottom of my foot when I lived in Oklahoma. It was excruciating pain and I had dreams afterwards they were crawling all over my walls at night.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Sylvia ~ OMG the dreams... I had the weirdest one last night..... started out with me in the woods being stalked by someone who wanted to kill me, then he moved to my family, then I was on an island paradise with 2 other people at a bar with neon glow in the dark goo everywhere (but wasn't drinking cause I was pregnant in dream), then I was being chased around the ocean by 2 vampires, which died by my hand and a bottle of neon goo from the club (which turned out to be holy water), in my hotel room bathtub, while security was pounding down the door because we were making too much noise...... (of course there was more vivid detail in that....... LOL)

    The night before I had another vivid dream where I was with a friend who was driving and kept getting us lost for hours because she refused to turn on the street I said she needed to turn on. It had me so upset and frustrated that I couldn't cuddle with my husband when he came home from work, and put me in a cranky mood most of the day...

    And I"m Cindy btw... LOL
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks Heather. I'm feeling much better today. Actually got some good sleep for the first time in weeks last night!!! Yay! Good Luck with your appt this morning and Thanks so much for creating this message board! It's AWESOME! I think I'm addicted. LOL It's so fun checking in to see all the updates!!

    No bad dreams for me yet. I've dreamt a couple times about the baby, one time being carried by a wolf, but the wolf was being nice. LOL!

    Sylvia - hopefully you have your results soon! Praying for you!

    Midnight Day Dream - that would really suck not having an actual OB. :( I like the fact of knowing my doctor is the only one I see, and lucky for me she was on call when I delivered my son, so I'm really hoping she will deliver this baby too.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!! :smile: