Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Old Navy has a really small maternity section but they are a lot cheaper and the cloths are cute.
  • I am currently 24 weeks and I am also hoping for a succesful VBAC. I do have 2.5yrs between due dates so I have that on my side but your story sounds familiar. I have an elective C-Section booked for my due date and my doctor has given me until that day to go into labour. I am not allowed to go past my due date. I asked about being induced but was unaware that medication to induce could not be used on a prior C-Section Momma. The doctor will be able to help out with membrane sweep and/or breaking water if needed.
    Think positive thoughts!!!! I had a section because my son was breech and I had to have him immediatly for medical reasons. I am confident that this time I will be able to have my baby vaginally but I trust my doctor to know when she says it is time for a section I will do it for the safety of my baby!!!
    If you decide to do it know that they will be monitoring you closely. Make the decision that is right for you :)


    I am hoping controlling my weight gain will make the 3rd trimester and delivery easier!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Good morning ladies! I can't help but to be in a great mood this morning...I got to sleep in, it rained last night so my flowers and lawn are watered, and with the rain came some cool temps this morning! It was so nice to sit outside in the back yard while my dog ran around and just enjoy the morning. We are still under a heat advisory later today, so I'm sure my "the day feels wonderful" good mood will be trumped by the 110*F weather....until then... :)

    Welcome back Andrea! We've missed you! Hope everything is going wonderful! I was in Destination Maternity on Thursday and I also couldn't believe the ridiculous prices on clothing. I don't have a single pair of jeans that fit me so I'm not sure what I'm going to do come Fall...I've tried a couple cheaper maternity jeans but I have a hard time finding jeans in the first place so my usual non-preggo jeans I buy are $100+ dollars and I just can't see spending that much on maternity jeans. Target online has some cute maternity stuff cheap as well as They have a bunch of dresses or you could just buy a regular dress a size up. How are your workouts going?

    Congrats mcc! Welcome to the board! What kind of things are you into fitness wise?

    My mom and my sister and I are going over to my friends house to discuss my baby shower/party today! I'm super excited and have lots of ideas. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I'm not having the typical baby shower...I don't do sniffing "dirty" diapers, I don't care how many pieces of toilet paper can wrap around my belly, and I think typical "girly" baby showers just aren't my style. We are doing more of a modern celebration of the baby. I will do some classy decorations (no balloons or streamers) and am getting gourmet cupcakes from a local cupcakery that was featured on Cupcake wars (SOOOOO good!). Not sure what kind of food we will be serving...but I will have wine and beer for the nonpregnant party goers. All of my husbands friends will be attending as well as our families. I just can't wait to get together with all the people I care about and celebrate Charlee!

    Hope you all have a healthy, and fabulous day!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I swear by GAP maternity.

    If you time it right, they ALWAYS have 40% off deals at least once a month. My pure body tanks which fit amazingly (for everyday and working out) end up costing 10 bucks or less sometimes, and they are originally 18 to 24 bucks

    Motherhood shorts I got (35 bucks) have lasted me through the pregnancy and I love them, although I still wear a lot of pre pregnant clothes with a bella band and my pure body tanks (long enough)

    I hate how target maternity fits me

    My runner up pants are my gap maternity pants, got it for 40 bucks (with their discount) and it is not panel but super comfortable. I got some heidi klum skinny white jeans and have only worn them a couple times cause they are not panel and uncomfortable, doesn't stay up.

    My staples have been tanks...
    Oh and they have motherhood full panel leggings that are amazing, had them and have washed them several times, I wear them when I work out a LOT because my thighs started rubbing when I run (EWWWW and OUCH!)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Lexi I don't know why I had never thought of GAP maternity before....most of my clothes are just regular clothes a size bigger but I wear the same things ALL the time. What size in the 'Pure body tank' did you get? I tend to wear Mediums before pregnancy, but all maternity clothes fit different. Some smalls fit and some larges fit and everything in between. Forget about typical size 7/8s seem a thing of the past...ugh.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok, ok, you girls are of course right about the dieting idea. I had like 2 seconds and threw an ultrasound on my belly, I could see something in there, that was exciting and got me back to reality about what's important. Besides, I don't seem to have the willpower anymore. DH is not helping since he wants me to feed his baby, but of course he is taking a stand against my splenda and other artificial things. So I am incorporating a small amount of honey for my tea. I'm just really hoping to figure out ways to curb my appetite, especially for crackers, which are nice and plain and calm my stomach but calorically expensive. I don't want to gain 60 pounds like my mom did!
    Everyone else seems to be doing so well... how?

    I am tired but committed to working out at least 4-5X a week. I am excited about my ultrasound tomorrow, will finally see how far along I am and maybe get a cool ticker like everybody else.

    With regard to dresses for a wedding, once I get a bump I will be rocking those empire waist dresses - think they are adorable on pregnant women!
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    hi thanks for the warm welcome. I just called my docs and they gave me an app straight away..10.20 this morning...feel nervous and sick now
    had a stinking cold since saturday too so hope he can tell me what i can and cant take...feel rough :-(
    i want to be excited about my pregnancy but feel so crappy...and i have to work after docs app :-(
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I can fit into a small but prefer the medium. They STRETCHHHHHHHHH. I got a large the first time and it fit okay, but wanted a size smaller to hug a little better.

    I am a lil bit under 5'8 I wore a 5/6 and sometimes 7/8 pre pregnancy depending on where I shop. Got the size 6 in my gap maternity capris and I had to make the elastic on the side super tight before 20 weeks and when I hit 30 i loosened them a lot. Oh yea you could adjust the garter on their pants, like a belt on the inside, to make it fit. LOVE LOVE LOVE them.

    I also went to target yesterday to look at PNPs for when I move back to TX and saw a cute maternity top I wouldn't mind wearing but I was too lazy to try it on it was almost like a crochet strap/racerback with ruched sides.

    Cutmd - you can still work out 4-5x a week.. some weeks. lol... Don't get disappointed. Some weeks just aren't gonna be as good as other weeks BUT it doesn't mean you are done with working out! There were some weeks I only made it once to the gym but last week I worked out 3 times but doubled up on weights so I was in there 2hrs.. Just take it a day at a time with the occasional push to walk if you feel like you are just being lazy. Chances are, once you start walking you will get in the groove and do more.. if your body or baby lets you. I am at 22lbs, 35 weeks and yes early in my pregnancy I prolly ate 3000 calories some days... got sick at one point and barely ate.. you just have to listen but not overindulge when you know your body doesn't need that extra scoop of ice cream. lol
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Thanks Lexi. I was going to order some but wasn't sure if they ran big/small or were really stretchy. I will prolly get a medium :) I was also looking at their jeans. They look like they might just work.

    mcc hope your doc appointment goes well.

    cutmd glad you came to your sense about dieting :) Let us know how the u/s goes! And I think everyone on here is committed to being healthy for themselves and the baby. I think we are all at different amounts of weight gain, but the most important thing is not necessarily how much the scale says, but being active and eating nutritious foods to stay healthy. Like I said before, due to the meds I've gained more than I'd have liked to at this point...but I still workout 6 days a week most weeks and I still eat clean the majority of the time.

    I'm about to go workout...but was thinking maybe we could all put a goal (or 2) for this week that we'd like to work towards. My goal this week is to not eat out more than twice.

    Hope you ladies have a fabulous and healthy day!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Good morning ladies!! :) Hope you all had a great weekend. Eric (my husband) and I went to Bimmerfest and I enjoyed getting to walk a lot and get some sun. We took it easy yesterday though and just hung around the house. It was nice to have a lazy day. I made an avocado corn chowder with grilled chicken and it was really good. Found the recipe on

    I have a dentist appointment today to follow up on a filling I had done a couple weeks ago. It hurts in between my teeth when I floss. I'm not sure what's up, but hopefully they fix it because it's excruciating!

    I also have a doctor's appointment on Friday to have a renal ultrasound. My doc wants to make sure my kidneys aren't causing my high blood pressure. I was diagnosed with it back in January and have been on meds ever since. They changed me from Atenylol to Methyldopa once I became pregnant. Anyways, I eat healthy and work out regularly (and have for years) so she just wants to cover all the bases. My dad's side of the family has high bp, but they weren't diagnosed until they were 40-50 years old. They did blood work on me a while back, but she said sometimes kidneys can have problems that won't show up in blood work.

    My goal this week is to work out 4-5 days and eat healthier. :)

    Heather - I agree with you about the baby shower thing. That's how I want mine. I don't want all the traditional games and decorations. I want pretty much what you described. lol
  • rachelleog
    rachelleog Posts: 5 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was fantastic! I was able to visit with a lot of friends and catch up on sleep. But, last night was the end of that. Of course I had a horrbile night of sleep & had to be at the office at 7am this morning. I got up and felt horrible, but worked through it. I was feeling like I shouldn't even go to the office, but the guilt set in.
    While driving in, I kept thinking about the positive of the day. Today I have my first prenatal appointment. We are having an ultrasound and then consulting with the doctor. I'm so excited, but also scared too. Just praying that everything is ok.

    We still haven't told our daugther, Sofia, that she will be a big sister. My husband wants to wait until I'm 3months, but I'm hoping that everything looks good today and we'll be confident to tell her. Funny, we had not planned this pregnancy, but Sofia started asking for a "baby" about 2-3 months ago. I guess she knew it was in the plan for us.

    Wishing all of you a great day! Please send prayers and positive energy this way for a great appointment.

    Thank you!

    Mom to Sofia - born 12/11/06
    Pregnant with Baby #2 - Due 3/19/12
  • SLD0125
    SLD0125 Posts: 22
    It is definitely hard to focus on staying healthy while pregnant. To top that off I have to fit into two dresses for weddings that I am in in 7 and 8 weeks that I got fitted for both b4 I was pregnant!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi! I am 28 weeks and 4 days! Counting down!!
    This is my 5th. My oldest is a girl and this one will make 4 boys.
    Kallon Jericho Childree is due on October 27th!!
    I have not been doing a whole lot of exercising since my first tri-mester, it is just too hot to do anything outside here in Alabama, and I do not own any kind of workout equipment. However, I am head coach to a highschool volleyball team and last week was the first week of practice, so I'll be getting in at least 3 days of exercise now.
    I homeschool my 2 oldest (2nd & K-5) then we have VB practice in the afternoons. My other 2 try to entertain theirselves until we finish school! I have just this past week started keeping up with my calories again. I have gained 30 lbs. and am hoping not to gain anymore if I can help it. I set my calories to gain .5 lb a week and I have stayed under my calorie goal this whole last week. Hopefully I can stay with it and not gain much more!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Thanks Lexi. I was going to order some but wasn't sure if they ran big/small or were really stretchy. I will prolly get a medium :) I was also looking at their jeans. They look like they might just work.

    mcc hope your doc appointment goes well.

    cutmd glad you came to your sense about dieting :) Let us know how the u/s goes! And I think everyone on here is committed to being healthy for themselves and the baby. I think we are all at different amounts of weight gain, but the most important thing is not necessarily how much the scale says, but being active and eating nutritious foods to stay healthy. Like I said before, due to the meds I've gained more than I'd have liked to at this point...but I still workout 6 days a week most weeks and I still eat clean the majority of the time.

    I'm about to go workout...but was thinking maybe we could all put a goal (or 2) for this week that we'd like to work towards. My goal this week is to not eat out more than twice.

    Hope you ladies have a fabulous and healthy day!

    Thanks. I like the challenge idea. My goal will be no more than one dessert every other day. Normally I have dessert once a week, but this sweet tooth is killing me! Secondarily and related I will shoot to do most of frequent eating in the form of fruits and veggies. Already got a workout in today, I think I will be fine on that front and probably resume my 6X/week soon since I dreamed of being on the elliptical last night (2 days off in a row was hard!)

    Lord, I hadn't even thought about baby showers. I would just want a party like yours.

    I also had a nightmare last night that I started bleeding, all this green stuff started coming out, and I was cramping. I felt myself passing something like tissue but it was purple nail polish! :laugh: I woke up very solemn this morning and it took me a while to realize it was just a dream and I was not miscarrying. Time is creeping by for this ultrasound. Hubby wants to tell the world after the US., he is spoiling me to death (which is fun!) but keeps talking about twins (I used to say that would be fun but now I just think it's scary!)

    Rachelle, I hope we both have a great appointment!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey mammas. Sorry I've been MIA this weekend; typically I am. I caught up on the thread while watching Steel Magnolias for the first time last night. I had a nice weekend and visit with my sister and her fam. I took Friday off and spent most of the day being lazy. She and I watched about 3 episodes of Four Weddings and some baby shows and enterained her 2.5 year old. It was nice. Saturday after they left I hung some pictures finally after being in our house 4 months. I took it easy the rest of the day and had dinner out with my husband and his friend and spent some time on the deck not drinking wine; the weather cooled a bit so it was actually nice. Yesterday I had to go to work for about 4 hours and after that I didn't have motivation to do much more. I contemplated a walk but it never materialized. Last week was no good on the working out.

    So respond to some of the posts.....It has been nice to read about the maternity clothes ideas. I have not bought any official maternity stuff yet; just some blousy tops. Luckily a lot of my sundresses are blousy so I've been wearing them a lot. Also, someone said something about flossing hurting.....last week I had tender swolen gums in 2 places but I guess it fixed itself. And the fruit....I have been eating peaches, watermelon, kiwi, mango, bananas, blackberries, really anything. I could also eat a whole flat of rasberries though. They're my favorite.

    I like the idea of challenge. I was pretty lax last week. I will eat a piece of fruit every day and also work out 5 days this week. My week starts today though. :smile: I am headed to the gym today after work. Planning on some lower body work and a couple miles on the mill.

    So I want to share a fun thing we've been doing that is a bit cheesy, but fun. I use the Baby Center app to tell me what the baby is doing each week and I have become pretty excited about the size of it each week and they compare it to a fruit (this week is a small apple). I started about 4 weeks ago drawing whatever it is on our dry erase board on the fridge. This week it is an apple with a worm coming out saying "It is an apple". Last week was a lemon tree. Our friends even refer to it as whatever the fruit happens to be that week.

    Hope you all have a great week! And I hope those of you with appointments go well!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Ok, so not to brag or anything, I'm 9 weeks along and my morning sickness is already completely gone. Thank g-d!!!!! My food aversions are starting to lessen as well, but I still can't even look at a chocolate vitatop! So strange for me because usually I'm a chocoholic. lol. To be honest, everything sweet seems gross to me still. And I'm having issues with vegetables too. I usually love to eat tons of vegetables, but right now they seem gross. The only vegetables I can eat are lettuces. Oh, and I'm craving ceasar salad. I even went out yesterday to buy whole wheat croutons and light ceasar dressing so I can make ceasar salads myself, lol.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    My morning sickness passed at about 8 weeks, it was horrible though.....So I'm so glad it's gone! Still tired all the time though. That's funny, I usually hate chocolate and lately when I see something chocolate I really want it. Luckily I don't eat it becasue it gives me migraines, but if it didn't I think I might be in trouble. It looks so good!!!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Ok, I am so EXCITED!!!! I've only gained 4lbs so far. I thought it was worse, but all of a sudded the bloat is gone, and I just have a lil' bump. Had my doctor appt. last Thursday and heard the babys hb for the first time. .....150bpm. My son was always right at 130 so, I'm hoping it's a sign of a girl. Also talked to my doc about calorie intake, she said to eat about 1500-1800 per day. Seems like a lot to me! I changed my setting to maintain my weight finally. I'm actually hoping for just 1/2 pound per week for the next month, then I'll move on to 1 lb per week for a couple months. I've been so busy lately, getting ready to move, but have managed to get some swimming time in the last few days. It's always so nice to relax on the beach and cool off in the water. My doctor said floating will really help with swelling. Haven't noticed too much the last couple days, it was horrible with my first pregnacy, so hoping it's not to bad this time....

    One more week and I will be moved and able to start walking every morning again with my sister, can't wait!!!!! Still tired all the time, don't know if it's from being so busy or just pregnant. I don't remember being so tired while pregnant with my son, but maybe once things settle down and I get back on my routine that will help.

    14wks and 2days... :)
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member