Christine_72 Member


  • Is this a fetish fishing post?? :huh:
  • I never used to be affected, but have been the last 3-4 times. I just disconnect and reconnect every time i want to sync.
  • Whenever i go out to dinner in a group, we each pay for whatever we've eaten or drunk. Why would i pay for someone elses meal?? I'm not rockafella..
  • Here's baby Nugget when we went to see him for the first time. Here he is now, a little terror :heart: :naughty:
  • I started off weighing everyday for a couple of years. I then went to a few days a week, to once a week. Now, 4 years later I weigh myself when i think of it, maybe 3-4 times a month.
  • I watch calories first (because they are the most important thing to weight loss/maintenance), and then if need be i tweak things to make sure my protein and fat is where it needs to be, carbs usually fall into place after doing this.
  • I think this thread calls for this meme:
  • Dogs are the best motivators! I have to take Nugget out twice a day, everyday. No leash walking for this little fella, he doesn't walk, he runs! He spurs me on, better than my fitbit ever did.. This is him yesterday, no doubt thinking "Throw the damn ball woman. Throw it now!"
  • Yeah, i think most Aussies can't stand Pete Evans, myself included :rage:
  • I went out to dinner with my kids last night, and once again was amazed at my sons very slim girlfriends eating habits. Every time we go out, she eats maybe half of her meal and my son ends up finishing it off. She also puts her fork down every now and then. On the other side of the table, there's the rest of us scarfing…
  • Being invisible . You could go where you please and do what you want, places and things that you wouldn't be able to do normally...
  • True. I've seen some non dairy ice creams that are calorie bombs!
  • Yes to the sitting out part. I leave mine out for around 15-20 minutes before scooping.
  • Ice cream and Non dairy just don't go together, I'd imagine it wouldn't taste the best. Try the regular Halo Top before throwing in the towel, the candy bar flavour tastes like a snickers.
  • Ditto this. I should be losing weight quickly if the numbers my Charge 2 gave me were correct, unfortunately it seems to over estimate in my case.
  • Forgot to add.. I pee at least 2 times an hour. It's like it goes in and comes straight back out again. This doesnt happen when i drink water, and no tea.
  • What about the diuretic effect of tea for someone who drinks 4-5L of tea a day, regular Lipton black tea. That's how much i drink every day, and i still need to drink regular plain water to help with water retention in my legs. If i don't also drink a couple Litres of water alongside then i get indents in my calves/ankles,…
  • Same here, except my weight gain started at 40. I am more active now than i have ever been, yet struggle to maintain the weight i fought so hard to frickan lose! Up until a few years ago, i NEVER exercised. During my teens, 20's and 30's i ate what i wanted, when i wanted never gaining a pound, drove everywhere, exercise…
  • I'm never in that much of a hurry that I've needed to run :tongue:
  • Walking is the only exercise i do. Sure, i could join a gym and do more structured and hectic workouts, but i know i would never go because i just wouldn't enjoy it.. I average 10-13k steps a day 7 days a week, and that's good enough for me! It gives me extra calories, and it's something my dog and I enjoy and really look…
  • Yep! I have the squatty potty, it really does make a difference.
  • I remember when i first got my fitbit 4 years ago. I set my goal to 25k steps a day, my whole days were dedicated to getting those frickan steps in, there were times i was walking up and down my street like a crazy lady at 10 at night! Since then I've reduced to that goal to 20k, then 15k and am now set at 10,000 steps a…
  • There is a middle ground here. It's not strict Keto or nothing! You can try low carb, keep your carbs at around 100g and tweak up or down from there. I had the same positive experience keeping my carbs capped at 100g than i did when i kept them at keto levels
  • I have a dog, just walking him twice a day, everyday gets me a minimum of 10,000 steps.
  • I've tried the low fat milk, yogurts, dressings and mayo's, but i always end up going back to the full fat versions. Low fat foods just don't taste right or as nice as the full fat (regular) versions.
  • This is how i would word it. I can eat whatever I want, just not how much of it as i want. I have 3 slices of pizza instead of 6. I no longer order Garlic bread. I buy halo Top instead of regular ice cream. I use cauliflower rice in place of regular rice. I load my plate with huge salads instead of potatoes. I need to do…
  • I wish i had this energy boost so many ketoers talk about when i did keto. The only positive difference i had was a lack of appetite/cravings.