glassyo Member


  • Oooooo I prefer plain but more protein in peanut! And wow. Kudos to that guy. I do not have that kind of will power.
  • Blue were tossed because they tasted off. However many I ate, they were always divided by 2. Red and black together. Yellow and orange together. Green alone. And in that order because I always saved the best for last. :) I miss m&ms. *sigh*
  • pleaseletitworkpleaseletitworkpleaseletitwork :) can make a teeny tiny little omelette too! Or sunny side up(?) eggs. Or I think steam not a lot of vegetables :)
  • You rock for kinda making me give out cooking tips :p Ok, so I use an adorable 6 egg cooker where you just add the appropriate amount of water for how many eggs you're cooking (or a 1 or 2 egg omelette). Offhand I'm not sure how much water but it has to be hot. When you put the eggs in the cooker, put them in so the bigger…
  • I'm still not a cook, nor ever really want to be, but I have perfected my rice cooker steel cut oats, almost perfected my rice cooker steamed chicken (still playing around with spices and what I do and don't like), and perfected my hard boiled eggs. (Granted, I have a hard boiled egg cooker but with a bunch of various tips…
  • I can see narrowing down food groups. I'm someone who would probably do that if I wanted to know the percentage of nuts I'm eating vs the percentage of avocado fatwise. Or chicken vs steak. Or whatever. I mean I used to eat m&ms by color (but never calculated the percentage of each color) so.... :)
  • This. Bloody...this. I can't get it out of my head.
  • I have black pants but anything for up top is either white or a lighter color. I don't think I even have a dark jacket. Or adult shoes. They're all sneakers. I don't adult well. I'm only going because it's my boss' dad. Did you enjoy my story? 😋
  • I finally made it to the "Do we even sell anything anymore for 99 cents?" store closing saleand there was not one thing on sale for 30% off. Also not much left that was on my list so ended up with fabric softener, body wash, 3" elastic bandages (I really just need more of the clips), and popcorn.
  • What does one wear to a christian/catholic funeral because, whatever it is, I don't have the wardrobe for it.
  • I don't get this. When I block someone, it's because I don't want to see what they're saying. Who cares if they see what I'm saying?
  • Another Trader Joe's run because it's banana day so....bananas, persian cucumbers, trying the TJ's version of unsweetened almond milk, and peanuts so I don't forget I can't have peanut butter anywhere near me.
  • It wasn't something I didn't buy but something I found another home for other than my own. A big bag of M&Ms that gets sent to us from a vendor when we order from her. Now, if only those Porto's strudels and cookies I ate could have found another home. :)
  • The only one I've ever seen was Dunkirk and that was because I wanted to see if Harry Styles could act. (He actually wasn't bad.) Oh, and How I Won the War because of John Lennon. I don't remember much about it other than he was oh so cute :)
  • Is this something about the new hire smelling like napalm? Edited: Nevermind. Wrong war movie!
  • Trader Joe's run so lettuce, sliced turkey, string cheese, baked cheese bites, umami crunchies, and dark chocolate chips. Aaaaaaaalso, another Temu order. Inflatable wedge pillow, mini air pump for said pillow, plastic shelf that ended up being a little less deep than I needed but I'll find a place for it, rotating kitchen…
  • My coworker put a Santa Clause mat in front of his office door and I felt so bad walking over him, I absolutely apologized out loud :) He's still there actually.
  • I apologize to inanimate objects so....
  • My Temu orders have doubled in price. I try to keep them around $20 but I need things that are more expensive now. (Not the sports bra I just bought that I hope is all it's cracked up to be. How could I say no to $3.07 for a freakin' bra?!)
  • Tone can definitely be hard to interpret on the internet. Especially if you're not psychic. :) I'm very much ok with plastic even tho I bought some silicone straws because I felt bad about not caring if the turtles die. I couldn't get past the texture/taste tho. At least they never stabbed my lips like the plastic do! :)
  • Wait, my point was I hate paper straws too. I've literally had one fall apart after like 15 mins in a soda.
  • DIE, TURTLES! DIE!!!!!
  • And if you didn't figure exercise calories into your weekly tdee, you wouldn't be eating them back. It's the same damned thing. Just different ways of getting there. I didn't answer the poll but I have eaten every last exercise calorie I could get away weight loss mode, in maintenance, and now apparently in…
  • I decided I needed to keep an eye on my a1c because of the sucking at being prediabetic thing and my doctor is sticking with the yearly tests for now so I bought an at home testing kit. The result was 5.4...down from 5.7 last Sept. I highly suspect it's off considering how off the rails I've been the past 3 months but…
  • I just found out Hungry Girl, Lisa Lillen, is married to Dan Schneider. She needs to go down.
  • This is giving me our next Christmas card vibes.
  • That the list goes on and on. NOW I'm apparently at the beginning of having sleep apnea. I can't take it seriously tho because I had to force 5 hours out of the 6 for the study and then just exercised with it on for the last hour because it wouldn't let me stop the recording.
  • Mentally banning Skippy no sugar added peanut butter from ever even being looked at again because I cannot be trusted with it. Bought a 16 oz jar on Thursday and it's now empty. Sucks because it's the lowest carb nut butter that's a reasonable price.