flatten abs and lift booty!!!
Just had a baby 6months ago and Im inn need of losing this baby weight plus more# Any idea on a good ab workouts and butt lifting routines
meal plans
Hello!!! Just needed some more ideas on meals!!! Do any of you guys have suggestions on a website with healthy meal plans for weight loss!! Don't want to get bored with just eating chicken and fish lol
calories in vs calories out
This might sound crazy but just wanted to know if my daily calorie count is 1500 then should I be working out long or hard enough to burn 1500 calories each day????
daily meal
Okay sooo I think im messing up with this eating healthy thing!! I have fruit and slimfast protein shake for breakfast and chef salad or progressive soup for lunch . Snack I.eat either Greek yogurt or more fruit. But after I come home from work my meals are not so healthy such as hot wings or even a bowl of spaghetti then…
workout plans for the week!!!
How many days a week do you do cardio and strength training? For weight loss?
Lipo B12&B6 shots!
Hello you guys! Just wondering have anyone taking these shots before for weight loss? I just taken my third shot this week and is down 5lbs along with watching what I eat and and a lil living room work outs lol every movement helps!!!