Today is a day for chitchat. Day started out rainy and now becoming sunny. Don't have much plan today beyond reading the Sunday paper.
Credit: Worked on staying on plan this week and stayed connected to my support group of weight management friends. Give gratitude for the friend I spent the day with yesterday.
What do you do to get yourself back to center? What does being centered mean to you?
What are your gardening/yardwork plans for the coming months?
Today's topic is in accepting discomfort during the weight management process. This may include some hunger, withstanding cravings, urges to eat, and do on. How are you doing accepting some discomfort in this process?
Today I commit to being on plan.
Checking in to say I will be on plan today.
Credit: Worked on staying on plan this week and give gratitude for my friend I spent the day with yesterday.