Lyle McDonald's article on energy balance and the "3500 calorie" rule
Saw this article linked on r/fitness and thought I'd share it here. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/3500-calorie-rule.html/ He clears up some common misunderstandings about CICO. Stuff that's quite common on these forums honestly. Very interesting, and definitely worth the time it takes to read!
Chemicals in your food!
This popped up in my Youtube feed and I found it really interesting. Sharing it because science is awesome! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qdnnhgu4FE
New article covering nutrition
I came across an article today which pretty much has everything a person needs to know about nutrition when gaining/losing weight. It's pretty long, but well worth the read. http://rippedbody.jp/complete-diet-nutrition-set-up-guide/ If that sounds daunting then here's a video version covering pretty much the same thing:…
Could use some opinions
So 10 days ago I weighed in at 119.2kg, however every day since then I've hovered at around 119.5kg except for today where I came in at 119.9kg. I have quite a lot of weight to lose, so I've set my deficit to 1kg/week which puts me at 1720kcal/day. I've been doing pretty well staying around that goal since i started…