Face it diets don't last long if you just eat the same boring food day in and day out. What are some of the fun foods you have made? I just made a Paleo version of buckeye ice cream. A sweet treat to keep me on track and still get to enjoy a summer tradition. Even my nephews liked it and they think healthy food is yucky.…
I noticed there was no intro discussion and I hope this is okay with the group. Hi my name is Melodie and I have been an off again on again myfitnesspal user for about 3 years. I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and put on the Paleo diet by my doctor. If you don't know what Paleo means here is a rundown. Basically I…
I have never been on this site before but I have been on others. I get frustrated at when I reach that point where no other weight loss is in sight. That week after the first 10 or so pounds have come off and you keep weighing yourself and the scale never changes. :s This happens and I give up and go back to what's easy.…