Any tips for breaking a plateau?
We all face the problem.....we have a low calorie count and are doing everything needed to lose weight, have even lost a lot, and then hit a plateau....how do you break it?
I got lazy
And ATE (and drank) my way through vacation......time to find my discipline again and restart my diet again....due to an injury I can't really exercise so this has to be done with diet. Is 20 pounds by Christmas reasonable?
Snow storm slacker
We are due to get a snow storm/blizzard for the next 3 days.....I foresee snacking (my downfall) while I am stuck at home.....I will have to try to resist but, 'resistance is futile' :)
I just blew it
after 19 days (almost all under intake goal) I just want to the 99 for lunch with my hunny. I was BAD.....and am 99 calories over my goal for the day. But it was so good! Salad for dinner I guess!
I can not do much physical yet.....but I need to hear about success
...with diet only. (I am recovering from a serious leg injury and expect it to be a long time before I am allowed in the gym again.) I need to lose 100+ and am trying to be patient but I want to lose and start getting toned. Any suggestions?
determined to find me
Almost 15 years ago I lost over 90 lbs in a year....then I met and married a guy who made fun of my healthy eating and daily gym visits and I put most of the weight back on. The man who I let distract me from me is gone, I am with a man who is very supportive BUT, I am recovering from a serious leg injury so this time I…