I've read numerous times in numerous places of the importance of eating within an hour of waking up....BUT I've also heard that working out on an empty stomach is the way to go. So what is it really?? I weight train and do cardio in a day. So should I fuel up before the workout or hold off and burn the stored fat?
I bought my first can of Almased and just started today. Who has had success with it? How'd you manage to get through the no eating food? (Cuz I love my food!!)
When you look at profile pic, what comes to mind? One word
I need more protein in my diet for how much lifting I do. What are your favorite easy on the go protein packed foods?! :)
What's the most effective way to lose the last 5 lbs? I'm stuck!!
PIZZA. Pizza slices, pizza rolls, pizza pringles, pizza buffets, you name it. I am addicted. Please someone tell me I'm not the only one who eats pizza every day?!
Here I go.....again. but this time I'm sticking to it :)