Weird Weight Fluctuation
Hey, guys. So, I was kind of wanting to discuss this weird thing my weight did over the last 24 hours or so. So, this week was going pretty normal. I weighed in on 02-11 at 225.3. Then I got down to 224.2 on 02-13. I had a bit of a cheat day and weighed in the same 224.2 on Saturday morning. Well, I sometimes weigh myself…
Nutritional Values for apples?
I was digging through "My Food" trying to make my entries more accurate, using this website for the fruit at least. I tried searching different types of apples, but it has just a general "apples" with modifications such as skinless and such. Do all apples (at the same weight) have the same or nearly the same…
Interesting/Unique Meal Names
Just discovered that you can customize the names of your meals in the settings, so I named them after the stages of a rocket launch. Do you guys just use the standard/default names or have you changed them to something else?