CrossFit or MMA
CrossFit or MMA, what’s your take on one or the other or both!
CrossFit or MMA
CrossFit or MMA, what’s your take on one or the other or both!
Fasted Cardio
I know fasted cardio has its benefits, but is that much better then doing cardio with food in the stomach.
Stubborn Belly Fat
Hello! 5’6 180 Female. I’m struggling with losing that stubborn Belly Fat, I was wondering how do people actually lose that fat that sits on their tummy, the ones who have such huge transformations? Like pounds of fat on the tummy too six packs. I do HIIT everyday for 30-45 minutes and I lift weights 4 days a week.…
Physical Therapy
Hi! Any physical therapist, I'm looking into going into college for it because it's something I want too do. How did you get into it, what do you love about it and where could I start learning things on my own?
Body Beast
Would anyone know a rough estimate of calories burned doing body beast: cardio?
P90x Pull Ups
How do you do assisted pull ups without the pull up assist band?
Stubborn Belly Fat
I'm 5'6 190 female and most of my belly fat is located on my midsection. I'm training hard watching my caloric intake, lifting taking in protein and doing cardio. I have no problem gaining muscle but why does it seem my belly fat isn't going anywhere? Any ideas of what I can change up or add?
Energy Gels
Which energy gels are best for something like a Spartan race? Or which energy gels are just the best in general! :)
Spartan Race
I'm doing a Spartan race in December, im super excited, any advice or tips to maximize my training!? And what's the best way to achieve pull ups and rope climbing?
needing help with healthy snacks that won't jeopardize weight loss. I'm definitely a snacker
Inner strength
Fit tip#1: Starting off can be rough but don't give up, you have more inner strength than you think! I have wrestled with an alligator. That’s right; I have wrestled with an alligator. I have tussled with a whale. I have handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail. That’s bad. Only last week I murdered a rock; injured a…
Fit tip#1: Starting off can be rough but don't give up, you have more inner strength than you think! I have wrestled with an alligator. That’s right; I have wrestled with an alligator. I have tussled with a whale. I have handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail. That’s bad. Only last week I murdered a rock; injured a…
Fit tip#1: Starting off can be rough but don't give up, you have more inner strength than you think! I have wrestled with an alligator. That’s right; I have wrestled with an alligator. I have tussled with a whale. I have handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail. That’s bad. Only last week I murdered a rock; injured a…
Love p90x. Has anyone done p90x3 if so comments comments comments!! I would like to try it!
Need that extra push!
Hello, Ive gone from 235 to 170 pounds, then I gained 20 pounds currently I'm at 190. I don't want to go back to the 200s, I worked so hard to get out of them. The eating is what gets me, and in the gym what should I be doing the most? I could really use the help guys! Thanks! Happy health!
Want to go all the way!!
Hello, Ive gone from 235 to 170 pounds, then I gained 20 pounds currently I'm at 190. I don't want to go back to the 200s, I worked so hard to get out of them. The eating is what gets me, and in the gym what should I be doing the most? And I'm terribly exhausted after the gym should i do a muti vitamin or a powder…
Want to go all the way!!
Hello, Ive gone from 235 to 170 pounds, then I gained 20 pounds currently I'm at 190. I don't want to go back to the 200s, I worked so hard to get out of them. The eating is what gets me, and in the gym what should I be doing the most? And I'm terribly exhausted after the gym should i do a muti vitamin or a powder…