Looking for more ideals on what to make. I am on a 1200 calorie diet and having a hard time making healthy foods that are also filling. I am far from picky and willing to try anything. Thank you.
Needing ideas that is light on the stomach. My boyfriend and I are sick and know we need to eat. Planning for dinner. We are having chicken soup for lunch. Thank you all for help.
After a week of doing my food journal I have ran into a problem. Not changing my eating habits, I am not making or barely eating 1000 calories. I am active; OCD. I put my head phones in and dance as I clean. I am still having a hard time losing weight. Anyone have any suggestions?
growing up I was always the thin one, now 4 children later, food choices, and health reasons I am not where I want to be. All I want to do is be able to look in the mirror and not want to cry, my body not hurt as much, and be able to play with my children and not tell them mommy is tired and can't breathe. Due to limited…