Fitbit not syncing
Just changed over to a Fitbit charge 2 but my steps are not syncing with MyFitnessPal, any ideas? Thanks
Hi, anyone having issues, yet again, with your steps not updating on MyFitnessPal?
Hi, anyone having issues, yet again, with steps not updating from Fitbit to my fitness pal?
Fitbit and my fitness pal grrrrrrrr
Hi, I posted on here a while ago to say my Fitbit and fitness pal weren't syncing. It got a lot better but now all of a sudden it has stopped syncing half way through the day! Fitbit isn't picking anything up from fitness pal and vice versa. Anyone else having this issue. I've walked over 20,000 steps today but fitness pal…
Fitbit charge
Hi, I've started to use a Fitbit to record my exercise etc but it doesn't seem to be filtering through to my fitness pal? As far as I can see they are synced up. Any ideas as this is why I bought a Fitbit.
Fitness tracker
Hi, I want to buy a tracker, like a Fitbit, to track, not just steps but my calorie count when I do a fitness class etc. When I'm reading up on them they all talk about steps and sleep but not much else. Can anyone advise me on what to buy, I am in the uk.
Im at a standstill
I stick to 1200 calories a day and exercise but my weight stays the same. Should i be on less calories?
help me please I'm stuck!
Hi I've been using the app since jan 15 and love it I've lost 13lb. Problem I have I'm now stuck at this weight and no matter what I do I can't seem to lose any more. I need to lose 6lb to get to my target. Any ideas?
calorie allowance
Hi can someone help please. I have lost 8lb in a month and my weight is 9st 11lb. Surely my calorie allowance should be lowered. Is this something I have to do or when I'm putting my weight in every week will the app know when I need to have less?