hi my name is Sharon, I'm 59 (just - in January) and I need to shed 28 pounds to get back to looking like me again. I'm post meno and I live in the UK. I know it's harder when you reach a certain age and at the moment I'm suffering with a lower back injury (not sure what - getting it checked out this week). I was wondering…
Yes - I shed 6lbs! Having done this before I know that usually the first week is always the best as far as weight loss goes and then it settles down. Still it's not a bad start and it makes me determined to stick at this. If I settle down to say 2lbs a week then that would be fine. It would get me to my goal of shedding…
Does anyone else suffer from constipation whilst trying to shed the weight. I am currently on 1200 calls per day and walk for at least 2.5 to 3 miles per day. Eat lots of salad and veg, not eating sweet stuff and also off the booze. Anyone got any tips how I can " get things moving again" please. Sorry for the ew of this…