anyone on here deal with bulimia? I have been bulimic for two years now and have been in and out of periods of recovery.. currently relapsing a bit and look for some support/help/advice?!
I'm training for my first sprint triathlon on July 26 the distances are 1/2 mile swim, 15 mile bike and 3 mile run... the bike and run I have no problem with this swim however- dun dun dun!!! just wondering if anyone out there who is an average swimmer knows their half mile time? I've been trying to do 25-35 minute swims…
had my college graduation this past weekend, was a lot of eating and drinking this past week :( tried to stick to goals but definitely got a bit carried away, was just wondering how long the bloat/ water weight gain might last.. missing my abs and feeling a bit like a blob
I really want to over come my bulimia but I feel like recently every one step forward is three steps back.. I need and want to break through this wall and make it to recovery! any tips ??
I let my journal show red today, for some this might not seem significant but for me it was huge... I have struggled with an ED for the past two years but have really been trying to recover recently. the idea of going over my calorie goal often causes me huge anxiety and results in me not tracking honestly, tonight I found…
do I have to give them all up :/
im a college student so I spend most my time after dinner (and dessert) hanging around doing HW or procrastinating said HW... any tips to avoid boredom night time eating, I usually snack all night :/