Hi all struggled to get concept of last post over n made it difficult for for ppl to read OKiI struggle to pick healthy food in times of craving or binge eating growing up from age of 8 ish I had to fend for myself as my parents worked 7 days 5 nights the other 2 nights they went out so just used to eat rubbish n quick…
OK so I need help on the food n nutrition side i have been using mfp for 5 day n now I have already had my 2 and bad day2 Fred do bars,5 wagon wheelsn 2 packs of ransoms solo angry n upset
Just looking for healthy snack ideas prefably not nuts or fruit plz 100kcals
Just looking for nice sweet not chocolate or fruit ideas plz
Over a year ago I was quite fit(still overweight) n managed to complete turbofire then I started doing T25 but never got past week 3 but toying with the idea of restating it but don't no if it would be wise or be to much for me been as I haven't done anything apart from 3 hours a week walk in
Just interested to how u stay motivated I'm a binge eater n currently currently undergoing counciling n would like ppl to add me the more the merrier
I'm 38 4ft11 current weight 12 St 4. Looking for ppl to support n help keep motivated xx
Hi looking for friends to help n motivate me on my journey I wana lose 3/4 stone n be fitter n healthier so plz add me paulamfp38
Add me I'm looking for friends n ppl to supportme as iI do t get none at home I'm so gle mum I have 3 kids 19,15 n 3 only 3 yr old lives me i need help in keeping myself accountable