I started this group not because I know all the answers but because I am looking for others like me. I would like to hear about other people's struggles and successes. What is your story?
What do you think about Candida Cleanses? Has anyone done one? Podcast Episode #180: Overcoming Candida with Christa Orecchio http://balancedbites.com/2015/02/podcast-episode-180-overcoming-candida-christa-orecchio.html
If anyone is looking for some great low fodmap and AIP recipes. You have to get this ebook. http://www.acleanplate.com/my-books/28-days-of-low-fodmap-aip/ She also has a AIP ebook but I do not have this one. http://www.acleanplate.com/my-books/28-days-of-aip/ I did a low fodmap and AIP cleanse at the beginning of the year.…
Welcome to all who join! I am looking forward to getting to know you.