What is your story?
I started this group not because I know all the answers but because I am looking for others like me. I would like to hear about other people's struggles and successes. What is your story?
What do you think about Candida Cleanses?
What do you think about Candida Cleanses? Has anyone done one? Podcast Episode #180: Overcoming Candida with Christa Orecchio http://balancedbites.com/2015/02/podcast-episode-180-overcoming-candida-christa-orecchio.html
Great Low Fodmap and AIP Recipes
If anyone is looking for some great low fodmap and AIP recipes. You have to get this ebook. http://www.acleanplate.com/my-books/28-days-of-low-fodmap-aip/ She also has a AIP ebook but I do not have this one. http://www.acleanplate.com/my-books/28-days-of-aip/ I did a low fodmap and AIP cleanse at the beginning of the year.…
Brand Spankin New Group
Welcome to all who join! I am looking forward to getting to know you.