Do they exist ?!
MY definition of thick, from the previous blown up post Is the following : Thick : a female who is NOT a fitness model, not a Barbie, not just a skinny waist and a fat booty . I’m talking the average woman who has curves , likes to workout but still likes ice cream. A few examples : ashley graham , Megan trainor. Girls…
Recently was on a keto diet for approximately two months , I did lose 17 lbs but I am trying to experiment with my body and I’m weight lifting 4 days a week plus a good cardio day or two. My ultimate goal is to be fit , and healthy , I want to be in single digits in pants sizes and mediums in shirts . If can accomplish…
Been keto for about a month and started lifting . The stronger I get the hungrier I am. I get my muscles are growing and need more fuel but I also have lots of fat to lose and need to make my body utilize it. What do u do when your hangry monster has used up all its macros without going insane ?
Lawd have mercy there are some really close minded negative people on MyFitnessPal. We all have the same goal at the end of the day, to be happy and content with our bodies and ourselves . Why the heck do people have to tear others down bc they don’t agree with their woe or workouts etc... seriously if your that person to…
Been on my get fit and healthy journey for a while but recently ( about a month) I became serious . I’m looking to add friends for motivation and to help support others !! Down almost 50 lbs this year and looking to drop another 50 in the next year ;) goal size :7 weight : doesn’t matter long as I can get in a 7/8 jean