I'm 41 and trying to get back in shape. It was easy to lift heavy and eat high protein when i was younger, but now I am prone to gout attacks. My doctor wants me to switch to a low protein diet and cut down on red meat (high in purines). I had been eating 1-2 pounds of meat per day and have cut back to 3-4 oz per day. The…
Hi folks, I'm currently attempting body recomposition by building as much lean mass as i can via lifting heavy weights. What would be the best split to accomplish this without sabotaging myself? I'm currently using a 2 day split with Push/Pull on Mondays and Tuesdays, then repeated on Thursdays and Fridays. I had planned…
Hey folks, When i was younger i used to be able to hit the weights whenever, and eat a small lunch and a huge dinner. That was all i needed to make progress with my goals to gain muscle. I'm older now (40) and my goals have changed. My metabolism has declined significantly, and my free time has been drastically reduced…
Hi folks, I've a history of yo-yo dieting and inconsistent exercise. I was an avid bodybuilder in high school, and was active in martial arts and raquet sports. Since college, my efforts towards health have been an on and off affair, with no commitment lasting longer than 2-3 months. Now I'm 40, married with two small…