Should i try the military diet?
Sorry for the frequent posting, and if something like this has been posted before. But i have been reading a lot about the military diet and wanted to see if any of you guys have tried it and how did it work for you. I've read mixed reviews, but it seems like to me that the pros outweigh the cons.
Why is my weight loss at a stand still?
I started my weight loss journey late last year.. and lost almost 30 pounds in 2 months. I was 407 pounds in late February, and i when i weighed today for the first time in a month, guess what my weight was? 407. It was so discouraging and disappointing. It made me feel like all of the hard work I've been doing is for…
How to stop looking so far into the future?
So, i have A LOT of weight to lose. I started on December 29th at 435 pounds. On February 18th, i weighed in at 408 pounds. 27 pounds shed so far, but i have 258 more pounds to go. I get discouraged thinking about how long that it will take for me to reach my goal weight of 150 pounds. It's happened so many times before, i…
Diet is being challenged.. what to do?
I am over one week in on my diet and haven't had any junk food, or anything fattening, or soda. However, today is my nieces birthday party and the only foods available to me today are doritos, cheese, & roast beef/ham sandwiches. No wheat bread available. I have stayed under 1,500 calories for over a week and now i have no…
Can i still lose wight with insulin resistance?
So, i recently started a diet after going to the doctor and finding out that i am ALMOST a type 2 diabetic. My A1C was 6.7 and my doctor said that 7.0 is a full fledged diabetic. I have had creases on my neck for years, ever since i was little, and never knew what it was. The doctor told me that i have Insulin Resistance,…
Hello everyone :)
Hello everyone, just wanted to introduce myself and say hello.. i'm new and getting ready to start my weight loss journey. I've got a long way to go so just thought it would be helpful with some friends on here. So add me as a friend if you want, i love getting to know new people. :smiley: