Humid weather and water retention
does anyone experience water weight gain or a fuller feeling when it's hot and humid? If so, how much weight do you gain?
Have you ever crushed on someone at your gym?
Has anyone ever crushed on someone at your gym? Not sure if they feel the same way? How do you tell if they like you? You say hi, they are always there when you go? Hmmm?
A cheat day or one cheat meal?
Is a cheat meal considered a cheat only if you to over your macros or calories for a day? Or can you still cheat a couple of times a week if you stay within your calories? I have several cheats over the coarse of a weekend and usually stay within my daily calories. I just increased my calories this week and am on…
Do you ever?
Do you ever eat a cheat meal, or a food that isn't actually healthy, such as pizza, cake or cookies one day. Then the next day you get on the scale and you are up a pound or 2? Do you think this is actual fat gain or just water or your bodies reaction as inflammation to the crap you ate? Oh ya, and you only ate a slice of…