What's the best way to lose hip fat? I know you cannot target it. I've heard it's the last thing to go when losing weight. Also building arms and under peck. I'm hitting the weights and doing interval training about 5/6times a week with a daily calorie intake of 2200. Want to lower body fat percentage. If someone fab help…
Hi. Need advice on losing fat from my hips and lower belly near the belly button. How to get a flatter stomach! Need some help :)
Need some ideas what to have for lunch and dinner? Some new foods to eat.
Is bacon good to eat while on a diet or not?
I'm 5ft 10, 168 lbs, 1850 calories a day. Could someone help me with my food plan? Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks etc. Would appreciate it.
I'm a 5ft10 lad. I weigh 168lbs, and I want to lose some weight/get lean. How many calories should I eat a day to lose weight? Here's my normal day... Breakfast...oats midday....roast beef sandwiches or a ham salad Mid afternoon (3pm) maximuscle promax lean protein shake with water Gym... Protein shake promax lean straight…
I'm a 5ft11 lad, I weigh 168pounds. What's the best way to lose weight/tone up? What cardio shall I do and also what weight training?