carbs at night and macros advice
Sometimes I have to train at night once I put my three year old down to bed around 8pm. Is it ok to eat homemade protein pancakes after my session or is the fact it's quite carby doing me no good and taking away from my workout? Also I find it really hard to hit my macros targets, I tend to always be over on carbs just to…
problems meeting iron goals
Hi there, I'm quite good at hitting my macros targets but seem to always be low on iron. Can anyone give me some help how to incorporate this into my food more? I am finding it really hard even though I'm aware of it.
should I eat more on training days?
Hey I don't want to lose weight, I want to maintain, so for example, I eat 1500 calories a day but on days I train for example if I burn 300 calories should I be eating those calories? And if I don't will I lose weight?
women's supplements
Hey guys hope someone can help me. I'm training to become lean and build muscle, I'd like to look muscular a bit like an athlete. My macros is all sorted out, I'm weight training/strength training as well as either swimming or doing HIIT workouts. I get all my food such as porridge, peanut butter, whey protein from muscle…
need help with protein, body fat and carb intake
Hi there so I have used the kitchen mcardle method to find out my bmr etc. But I'm not great with numbers and not quite understanding how to calculate what my intake should be based on my stats and that I am cutting not bulking. My body fat mass is 11.9kg body fat percentage 22.5% BMR 1253 calories tree 1723 calories I'm…
protein powder advice needed...
Hi guys I'm from the UK and I drink phd sculpt and tone whey protein powder. I don't really have weight to lose as I'm 118pounds and 5ft 4.6". I'm looking to become more lean by eating the right diet. Has anyone ever tried the 'Myprotein' shakes? Or is there any other protein powder I could switch to that's less expensive…
Need help to shred
I'm a female, 5ft 4.6", 8 stone 6 pounds in weight but I want to shred and get a six pack. I've had a child 3 years ago and my tummy isn't flat, u know u probably still need to lose pounds in that area and that diet is 80% of it all. I'm trying low carb diet, is there anything else I should be doing food wise? I'm not sure…
how much protein?! help!
Hi guys I'm on a calorie deficit, taking in 1500 a day, I'm looking to become lean, and I'm strength training. How much protein should I be trying to take in daily?! Had anyone else got a daily intake of around 1500 that could add me to share diaries. I'm needing help with my meal planning x