Another week and this time Canadian Thanksgiving hurdle. I think I made it pretty well yesterday, was able to control myself, skipped on dessert and half my plate was veggies :smiley:
A little late but here none the less. Is anyone even still checking this thing? How are you all doing?
We missed a week but back on track here I think. How are you doing?
Another week down and more weight down too. I can't stop smiling today. When I hit 25lbs down I'm getting my hair cut (it's currently 3 ft long) and getting it colored :smiley:
We are together now over a month. Progress time. I have dropped another 1.4lbs this week for a total of 6.2lbs since I joined this group. How is everyone else doing?
Well here it is one month into our little group. How is everyone doing? I just weighed myself for week 4. After a little increase last week I'm down another 1.4lbs, 66 more to go. One day at a time.
Hello everyone, I've been here a few times in the past 2 years and have never "really" committed to it. This time I know is different. Here is my story so you get to know me a little better. Feel free to ask any questions, I'm a very open person and will answers ALMOST anything. I'm a 38 year old single mom of 3 kids, I…