I did it!!
Well, finally made it through my whole day one after three days of trying to get back on track! Woohoo! I feel accomplished this morning and I know today's choices will be much easier. Thanks for the support!
Ideas for lasting munchies
This weekend my mom is taking the kids camping, and we're planning on taking a hike at a local mountain yay!! but also doing a bit of binge watching to catch up on shows that we're normally asleep for and a movie (no laughing, kids will trick you into bedtime!!) LOL! Movies are usually my mindless eating time, so I know…
Nutella fail
So..I did well all day yesterday, everything was nicely planned out. Then, the kids went to bed and the jar of nutella was just out on the counter staring me in my face! I had some :/ I knew better. Why do we know better and cave?! I'll do so well once it's all out of my system, but the first few days are always a back and…
On again after my off again
After a two month hiatus that started with a 'taste' of something and ended with an extra ten pounds (in two months!), I'm back to being committed. It amazes me still, three years later, how one can stick to plan for so long then have one weak moment and it's all out the window and out of control for so long! I did all of…
Spaghetti squash
Is an awesome replacement for spaghetti!! I wish I hadn't waited so long to try it, so please give it a try! That is all.. :)
Gaining weight?!
I have been slowly but steadily losing weight for about 4 months by eating better and walking. Now that I have started strength training I have gained 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks while not eating any differently (logging and weighing). What gives? I know I haven't gained 5 pounds of muscle this quickly. Anyone else dealt…