Hi, I embarked on a new career path after having my second child back in 2015. I trained straight after he was born as my old dream of becoming an officer resurfaced mid way through pregnancy. Last year I passed the Police Physical Assessment test in December 2016 - it went very well. Now looking for some official training…
Hey everyone, This be my second pregnancy and I managed to gain 80lbs during. My starting weight was somewhere between 125/128lbs. I was fit, active, ate clean and barely had any take out. During pregnancy I ate the complete opposite and due to nausea that made me sleep and eat what I could hold down: pastas, burgers (take…
Who here wants to lose their extra baby weight? With my first pregnancy I lost 50lbs+ so I know what it envolves. Now after having my second on May 12th 2015 I'm working to lose yet another 50lbs. Yeah we may be tired and cranky but trust me I'm determined to help you out. My goal is this: to get my body back by…
Heey everyone, my name is Charlene and I'm here to share my previous weight loss success story as well as my current weight loss goal with my second child: Dominic. Born May 12 2015 - I weighed 208lbs before delivery. Holy crap you say? Yeah I had it rough during my second. However with my first born, Marcus, I gained a…