police in training

Hi, I embarked on a new career path after having my second child back in 2015. I trained straight after he was born as my old dream of becoming an officer resurfaced mid way through pregnancy. Last year I passed the Police Physical Assessment test in December 2016 - it went very well. Now looking for some official training grounds on a college basis. Looking into the OPP services. Anyone else a Police Student or full time Officer? I'm currently employed as a full time artist - what.. art and cops don't mix?

I'll be taking some certified courses this summer on FirstAid/CPR, Fire Prevention and Use Of Force (applicable through GardaWorld)

Uhmm.. I also like to participate in fundraisers (May 27th - 28th) I'll be doing Cardio 25hr for Enfant Soleil... and in order to help the troubled youth in my community I volunteer as an art teacher on some Saturdays in the summer.

And most importantly! I'm raising two boys - th-three? Does the boyfriend count as three-anyways: love my family and love my boyfriend, they give me so much amazing support.
