I've had great luck on losing weight over time but recently its came to a hault. Thinking of starting a ketosis plan but having a hard time with 75% fats 20% protein and 5% carbs. Read tons of articals and just wondering if anyone has had good luck with this?
Do you subtract saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats from total fats for the day? I notice these three have a negative count and are in red.
When poly and monounsaturated fats are consumed should these be deducted from total set daily fat intake? :)
If your looking for support friend me! Im located on the Alabama Gulf Coast and love to help peps with support and gaining a winning attitude. If your tired of having to constantly start over remember just never quit.
Out at sea on a supply.vessel for 28 days at a time with 3 other men that cook nothing and i mean nothing healthy. Fried boxed and can foods all the things that you want to x out to get healthy. Having to bring my own foods and use them as my motivation of what I don't want to be like! Was very hard to turn down that fatty…
Hello! Im your average male who has passed my 40's and finding myself getting waybout of shape. Was successfull using myfitnesspal about 2 Years ago loosing 50 plus pounds but put it back on. Today im not dieting but making a life style change and my eating habits will have to change not to loose weight but to get healthy…