Hey yall My name is yazzi im 26 and have struggled with my weight for over 10yrs i am trying to develope a healthy lifestyle and a toned body i really need help motivation wise im always tired and i try but sometimes the hardest part is the mindset. If you have any advice pls add me ill be more then happy to help any way i…
Need some cardio support fam!!! What is a good cardio workout to hit after new year festivities <3 what did you do today?!
What is your fav muscle group to workout or just in general what is ur fav workout Looking for new ideas ❤
I preferably like to do weight training and just 2 days of cardio but im always feeling tired even with lots of water small meals and 7 to 8 hrs of sleep i try to get the safest lowest cal energy but ughhhh its hard i like coffee black (no cream or sugar) and if i use pre its either c4 or stimulate not sure if any one has…
Post before and afters
Hi my name is yazzi Im 26 and have been struggling with my weight for a very long time im finally at a study mental health where im not looking primarily at weight loss but in a healthy lifestyle. I try to work out and eat well but im allways bloated have inflammation and am always very fatigue tired i would love to make…
Ive been struggling with my weight for a while now never can get it under control, i need help when i fail man do i fail i almost sink my self in failure and drown myself in food i gained the most weight however on the depra birth control shot.....kinda ruined my life well any who it would be great if i can find someone to…