After nearly two months with no binging, it happened. Hubby ordered a Papa Johns pizza and cookie....I ate the entire cookie. I am starting to see just how I got so big in the first place... Please tell me I'll do better tomorrow!
I'm depressed today, it happens, but usually I turn to food. I went and poured myself a snack and settled in to wallow in front of the tv. Suddenly I realized that not only was I not hungry, i needed to DO something. So I put the snack back, and cleaned the bathroom. Im still sad, but now I am at least productive!
Does anyone else get a sick stomach more often after cutting calories for a few weeks? Maybe my stomach doesn't like the junk anymore?
Why did I just eat a whole cup of them? Now my tummy hurts...
Sometimes it happens, but usually there is some kind of reason. I was never a small adult, I was not raised to take care of my body and eat right. But when I lost my daughter due to early onset Preeclamspia, I really let it go. I gained about 40 lbs! What is your story?