So one of my friends told me that if I want to loss weight it doesn't matter what I'm eating, what does matter is how much I'm eating. So let's say my body burns a day about 2000 calories, if I ate 1700 calories of junks and whatever I want to eat per day am I still going to loss weight???
I'm on vacation right now. Before I went on vacation I've lost almost 5 kg in 2 month and half. Now after only 2 weeks I've gained almost 5 kg. what should I do. Btw im still on vacation
i've lost weight. I've been 58,8 instead of 65.1 in 2 month and half. I've been to the gym 4/5 day a week. I've been on diet and I've done my best. Unfortunately now I'm out of town for 6 weeks. In two weeks only I've been 63.1 instead of 58.8. I'm not able to resist all this food I'm having right now and I'm not…
I've lost about 4 and kg in 2 month and half but then I went on vacation and I've gained almost 4 kg again in only two weeks. I've been eating like an animal with no mind. I couldn't resist the food while being on vacation. But I'm serious about getting started again. Would anyone like to join?? Add m' and let's get real