I find them a struggle to eat, do you? even tho I love a mixed salad with balsamic dressing, avocado, tomato and my meal wouldnt feel balanced without veg, I'm not crazy about fruit either. I'm tryin this new "diet" to eat every 4 hours and start with a fruit or veg before each meal and I find this hard to follow.
My work is at a computer for up to 8 hours a day working from home. I sometimes have neck or back ache. Sitting is bad for us they say! so seriously considering purchasing a sit-stand desk. Has anyone tried this? http://varidesk.co.nz/
I've wasted money on unused gym memberships, personal trainer, equipment hire but please could u let me know where I can buy motivation?
First, while researching, I have read how healthy coconut oil is and all its benefits etc, then a certain doctor advised me to take 1 tsp of coconut oil every hour to keep my blood sugar levels down but I didn't feel comfortable with that as my cholesterol is high and I am at risk for heart disease. Then I see my GP who…
I felt like a treat last night so worked out my calories for the day so I could have this for dinner - what a shock when I saw double whopper with cheese is a whopping 1000 calories! and that's without the fries and drink. Just the one burger alone. I dont eat a lot of red meat so that would have given me a good boost of…