I would like to add friends that allow others to see their food diaries. I need some new food ideas. mine is open for friends to see. Please add me if you feel the same.
Should I add burned calories back to daily intake?
Need some support. Let's get to week 12 together. We can do it!!!
Who is in? 10,000+ daily. Please, send a message with your Fitbit acc and I would be more than happy to add you.
I have been adding my exercise calories burned to the daily calorie intake. Should I continue to do so or I shouldn't?
I would like to lose 10-15 pounds. I have a very hard time losing weight even though I exercise often and keep a clean diet. Anyone out there with a success story for Inspiration?
Being 5.1",I have gained 20 pound in the 3 past years and even though I do not look obese I do feel super out of shape. I need to eat better and exercise more often which has become difficult being a full time student. My energy level is not where to be found. Looking for fitness pals to stay motivated.
Being 5.1",I have gained 20 pound in the 3 past years and even though I do not look obese I do feel super out of shape. I need to eat better and exercise more often which has become difficult being a full time student. My energy level is not where to be found.