Looking for a supportive group of Women!!!
Add me as a friend so us women can support each other and feed off positive energy :)
Protein Shakes .... need some advice
So I have never bought protein powder in my life, I think I have had maybe one or two... From a gym like 6-7 years ago. I am wondering your suggestions on which brand to buy , I don't want to buy something that tastes awful and never end up using it. Dont want to be wasteful!! So any advice helps! Plus I live in Canada so…
endomorph body type help!
Need some advice on rapid... but healthy weight loss. Open to any suggestions. I am currently looking to lose 100 pounds within a year or year and a half. Thanks in advance!
Fibromyalgia and weight loss advice
I am currently struggling with losing weight and battling fibromyalgia symptoms. I am just beginning my journey and need some advice!