I have been using Paul mitchell and my hair is like silk
Green Chile corn chowder
What is ur preference?
They are getting rich on people who want to lose weight but are looking for a easy way to do it, even when that means stepping outside reality. I am not criticizing these people I am just giving facts. I work at a dollar store and we sell these weight loss pills and the ingredient label only says "proprietary herb blend"…
The Spice Girls were essentially stereotyped characters and were styled to look the part with hair and make up. Besides there are plenty of people who are like minded and attracted to that. So hate on haters.
I have posted a success story in May but I am now at 435 days and I have to speak up again to say the mental and physical improvements that the weight loss caused blew my mind. It changed my perspective on life and showed me ways to be content. It improved my quality of life in ways that I had not considered were possible.…
I love this
So today I have been thinking about my experience w/ being a formerly overweight male in comparison to women with heavier bodies in terms of how they are treated by society and I have come to the conclusion that we as people need some serious work. Males are taught to believe that this body type is so horrible that the…