Peanut butter problems
I eat sooooo much peanut butter. It adds an extra 500 calories a day. I'm going to try to avoid it for a week and see what happens (by weaning off of course cause I'm addicted:)
Bulimia recovery- I'm frustrated
So I was bulimic for four years and bounced in and out of recovery and periods of relapse. It's been three months today that I haven't purged. However, I STILL BINGE. A lot. And it's so hard because I struggle feeling feeling good in my skin because of this excess 10-15 pounds. I'm working hard to lose it healthily while…
Crippling anxiety
So I have actually realized how much anxiety I suffer on a day to day basis. It feels like I'm going crazy sometimes with so many voices in my head. I don't feel beautiful I don't feel sexy I don't feel worthy. And today for a moment the voices stopped. I just looked at myself in the mirror and took the deepest breath. I…
Feeling very lonely right now, and isolated. Love to talk to anyone :)
Still fighting
I am beginning to realize that I am more then my eating disoder. As I am sure anyone who has struggled knows, disordered eating takes over your thoughts and mind and is so destructive. It saps energy and the life out of your everyday. Recovery is so challenging at times. But every single time I push through those hard…
Fear of hunger
So I am recovering currently from a eating disorder and I've been free of it for two months today. However the weight gain is getting to me. I want to lose weight (slowly) over the next few months. However hunger and deprivation causes very strong sense of panic in my brain. I am not restrictive In my diet I eat even when…
Recovery from an eating disorder weight gain & finding a healthy balamce
Please reach out to me if you suffer or have suffered from an eating disorder and are on your way to recovery and balancing nutrition and fitness to a healthy life style- both emotionally and physically. I would love to hear your thoughts, fears, triumphs and support. ❤️
Saying hello! Running partner?
I'm a 20 year old busy college student and I would love to reach out to anyone who would like a running partner! I'm bubbly and talkative and I hope I'll push your pace and you'll defintily push mine!