Here let's post the 3 to 5 things we're giving ourselves, aka the things we're not giving up on this journey. Let's follow that up with the 3 to 5 things we're willing to take off our plates or out of our lifestyle in order to push towards our healthy goals! Give 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Take 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Make a list of 5 things that work for YOU! They don't have to work for everyone, just your "go to" things that have a solid impact our your healthy lifestyle journey. Follow that up with 5 things that you're currently trying and/our wanting to try to incorporate into your routine for even more positive results. The Fab…
Jillian Michaels says you can get through the HOW as long as you know your WHY. So why are you on this healthy lifestyle journey? What's your goal? What's driving you to do your best? Let's use this as an intro post too. Tell us about yourself. The reasoning for your journey (your why) and your plan to get there (your how).
We can all think of things that aren't going our way on this journey. Instead, let's challenge ourselves to point out what's going well!
"A positive attitude leads to positive results." A spot for healthy body, mind & life quotes, memes, articles and/or original posts!