Binge eater here ... I've been trying really hard to handle it better. I still have some pretty bad days but nothing like it used to be. Just curious what the worst binge you've had was ? How did you recover ? I'm ashamed of mine as I'm sure it was well over 8-10,000 calories over a couple hour span. I couldn't snap back…
I don't have anyone that I share activities with yet. I'm not 100% sure how to do it but would love to see what everyone does and also share mine If anyone is interested. Please don't give out personal information on here. But you're more than welcome to send me a quick message and we can start sharing :)
Ok, so I've apparently been doing intermittent fasting on my days off without even realizing it (lol) I'm not a breakfast person what so ever. I love my morning coffee and going to the gym after. I work shift work. It switches every 2 days. So basically nights 7pm-7am and then days 7am-7pm. So basically my schedule flips…