Where to start I have tried patches,e cigarettes. Chinese herbal therapy, sprays and going cold turkey I ride 10-20 miles a day do at least 2 hours of intense exercise a day I do not run as I really don't like it I do multiple sprints with jogging for a 1km interval and again the smoking has an effect on my breathing but…
I have heard a lot about dieting cutting etc and it all gets kinda scientific and bores me. What if you could get a small calorie surplus daily Wouldn't that work?
I just got my fit bit and through app linking it got me here I'm not a runner and I really don't like running It's the fact u can monitor Ur heart rate even while sleeping and log bike rides that ineterested me Any thoughts?
What worked for you? Fitness is subjective and its really about how you feel after all. Since being more active have you been more happy and contented? My personal experience has been quite a change in my overall outlook on life. Would like to hear others opinions and experiences