Love cookie dough? WHO DOESNT? I have a recipe that has NO flour. No eggs. No oil. No butter. It's SO AMAZING. tastes like cookie dough. 1 can garbanzo beans drained and VERY WELL RINSED. 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp salt 2 tsp PURE vanilla 3 tbsp oats 1/4 cup of nut butter of choice. I use 1 tbsp powdered peanut butter and…
I am on a 1600 calorie a day plan. I eat high protein (100-130 grams a day depending on workout) lots of veggies. An apple a day. 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen) a day. Eggs. Fish and chicken. I workout 5-6 days a week HARD. Minimum 90 min a day. Weights more than anything. I am STARVING ALL THE TIME!! I eat breakfast. Small…
Love oatmeal before a hard workout? Try this. It's like melted no bake cookies. But HEALTHY. BEFORE BED: put 1/2 cup raw oats in a Tupperware or Mahon jar with 1/2 cup unsweetened almond or soy or milk of choice with 1/2 cup water. Cover. In the morning add 1tbsp unsweetened cocoa. 1 tsp vanilla. 1/2 scoop peanut butter…
So 19 days ago I went sugar free. Dairy free gluten free. No sugar substitutes. NONE. I cannot tell you how different and great I feel. Eating lots of veggies. Fish. Chicken. No white anything. No pop. 100 oz of water daily along with green tea. I am seeing changes in my body and i know I have a ways to go. Sleeping like a…
1 scoop cellucor cookies and cream protein powder. 1/4 frozen banana. 1 tbsp. Powdered peanut butter. 1 tsp. Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder. 1/2 cup light almond milk. 3/4 cup water. 3/4 cup ice. Blend. It's SO amazing. Full of protein. Only 180 calories. No dairy. No sugar.