Hi! I'm 32 and pregnant with my third child. My first two pregnancies I gained 50 pounds each time. It was awful, I was huge and miserable. This pregnancy I'm determined to stay within the recommended 30 pound weight gain. So far, I'm doing great, I'm 24 weeks and have gained 11 pounds! I'm also avoiding processed sugar…
My new favorite is Vermont Smoke and Cure uncured pepperoni turkey sticks. 70 calories and 10 grams protein. So good!
Does unsweetened tea count towards water goal? Or hot green tea?
I am attempting to eliminate processed sugar from my diet. (YES, this is doctor recommended because I am currently insulin resistant and have a strong family history of diabetes.) I am 10 days in, and I'm actually feeling great at this point. There has been a noticeable improvement in my energy level, my sleep, and my…
I have a serious sweet tooth. But, unfortunately, type 2 diabetes runs in my family. I am insulin resistant, my mother and grandmother are mild diabetics and on glucaphage, and my great grandmother went blind and passed away from diabetes. Needless to say, I am very interested in healthy "desserts". My favorite at the…