Just wondering how many pounds or what percent weight loss it takes to see a difference. I'm 5'3", gone from 9 to 8.7 ish but can't say it shows. I'm fairly flat chested and carry most weight on my legs (which have always been a bit chunky). Was hoping to get to 8.1 but at this rate I'll have to go much lower to get…
...if you had a good week? Feel free to criticise or reassure me. According to MFP I should have lost a pound Max but the scales say I lost 4lb (2lb fat). To celebrate I have been eating "normally" the last couple of days, and might have one more day of luxury. Does this sound fair enough? Cos 1200 per day is HARD even…
250g dry pasta (half a pack) feeds 4 of us. The packet says 346 kcal per 200 serving. Surely it's not that few calories for half a packet, so does it mean 200g once it's been cooked, and has water in it? If so, would 63g dry equal 200g cooked?
I have purchased some scales in preparation to lose flab. The scales do mass, as well as fat, water, & muscle %. I was previously thinking of losing x pounds. But does it make more sense to track in terms of % fat instead? Or do you lose equivalent amounts of all body tissue types (keeping percentages the same?)