There's a year between these two photos and there's some differences between them as well. 1.) 45kgs 2.) A XXL T-shirt vs a extra small T-shirt 3.) 2 inches from my hairline :lol: 4.) A terrible beard 5.) I'm clearly stood up on the right :wink: It's been one of the best years I've had tbf, the diet part was easy thanks to…
Hey guys, When I started my weight loss program on January 1st I weighed in at 109kg (only discovered Myfitnesspal at the end of January) and currently I weighed in at 69kg but am still currently no where near where I want to . I'm not a personal trainer or a fitness freak I was just an average joe with enough knowledge to…
I'm fairly new to a calorie Controlled diet, I have a shake for breakfast and soup for lunch, that leaves me roughly 1000 calories for evening meal, this causes me to have a massive evening meal or salad chicken and eggs ( meal does vary ) just to reach my goal and not slip beneath 1200 calories. To cut a long story short…