Lose Weight with Elliptical and weights
Hello everyone I currently height 6'00 and weight 240 lbs I am trying to loose weight by doing this exercise routine everyday at my home. 1- 50 minutes on Elliptical With resistance 7 and 20 degrees. 2- For Resistance bands workout : *Bicep Curl *Shoulder stand up with squat *Bent over row *Standing press chest with squat…
Weight loss and tips for this Diet
1- 8:00 am : Breakfast ( 2 eggs with spinach, mushrooms and avocado) 2- 1:00 pm MEAL ( chicken cooked with coconut oil with veggies or brown rice) 3- 7:00 pm WORKOUT ( 50 minutes of elliptical & 40 minutes of weight with dumbbell ; chest,biceps,triceps,back, squads & deadlifts normally all 3 series of 12 reps) 4- Post…
Help or advise for my diet I am 6"00 and 230 lbs MALE.
Hello I need some help with my diet or better some advise on how to loose weight this is my current regime and I don't know if its going to work for me: M- F -7:15 am : wake up -8:00 am : Breakfast ( Fat Belly Smoothie http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Flat-Belly-Smoothie-28343926) -9 am to 1 pm : 2 Coffees with STEVIA no…
Need help for a 6"00 and 230 lbs guy
Hello I need some help with my diet or better some advise on how to loose weight this is my current regime and I don't know if its going to work for me: M- F -7:15 am : wake up -8:00 am : Breakfast ( Fat Belly Smoothie http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Flat-Belly-Smoothie-28343926) -9 am to 1 pm : 2 Coffees with STEVIA no…