(Not looking for a debate...someones who's done them would be great, thanks!) Are detoxes and cleanses good for helping weight loss? I know they're beneficial in other ways but can they also help drop those lbs? BTW looking to add more encouraging and motivational friends!
Working out in the hot Texas summers is rough...What do y'all do?
Whether you're where you want to be or still on your journey I'd love to hear your testimonies and experiences.
I would love if I could get some helpful hints for workouts.
Is it really beneficial to have "friends" on here?
Working 50hrs a week and caring for a 7r old...stress eating is real. Gained 30lbs in 2yrs. Giving up unhealthy eating and making it priority to start moving more. I know this journey won't be easy but I know it will be more than worth it.