You look fabulous! I'm inspired. Thanks for sharing!
Truly inspiring. Amazing story!
Wow! Awesome! You're doing fantastic
Good info! Thanks Elizabeth!
Good to know!
Wow! Crazy. I definitely wouldn't do an all liquid diet...hers was a bit extreme but I get the point. Thanks a bunch for sharing.
Thanks so much for sharing! Good info!
Lol I've heard that stuff you have to drink is disgusting
Good point Stephanie...Not sure yet still doing research to see if it's worth it. Some people I know have done some like homemade stuff that they swear by.
I did, thanks for asking, I was just really looking for someone who's actually tried them to tell of their experience. But thank you!
That's cool...which one did you try?
Thanks! Have you tried them?
Maybe someone who's actually done either one would be better suited to answer the question js.
No problem hun! I always add fresh lemon to my water to give it some flavor
I haven't done one yet but I do some cranberry flushes because I'm prone to kidney stones.
And I sure do drink plenty of that. 120-140oz a day
Thanks so much for sharing hun!
I've read half of your weight in oz of water.
Detoxes that flush your liver are very beneficial.
Yes I've already lost some cutting my caloric intake. Thanks!
Girl I wish I had that problem lol
Lmbo no friggin kiddin
i usually workout inside at the gym anyhow, but when i feel like going for a run or a long walk or whatever its not so bad long as you stay hydrated regularly and carry water with you. camelbaks are cool but they get annoying after running for a while too.[/quote] Yeah staying hydrated is key
Lol spy away
No kidding! Its the humidity that gets me. Yuck!
That makes perfect sense.
Yeah I guess a lot of our exercise will have to be done in doors...or at night.
Thanks dear I appreciate it! And you're right I need to do some research.